Chapter 4

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The next two weeks were pretty great. I becomed one of the most popular girl in Regent Highschool , I was doing great at class , I got to know and grow close to Izzy and Tessa and Sofi and I even became good friends.
Since that night in the woods with Aaron and Sofi the three of us started hanging out toghether almost everyday at Starbucks or one another's house.
I just got home and ate something when my phone buzzed. It was a message from Sofi.
"Heyy. You won't believe what just happened." What could it be? It took something to make Sofi that extatic.
"Hey. What's up?"
"Aaron just asked me out!" What?! That doesn't make any sense!
"I can't believe it! What did you say?"
"I said yes , of course!"
After reading what Sofi said over and over again , I went completely blank. How could this be? It didn't make any sense. All that he said , all that he did. And Sofi. I didn't get her. She knew I liked him and how she's supposedly calling herself my friend. Friend's don't stab each other's back.
"How could you do that Sofi? You knew I liked him!"
"Come on , now you seriouslly thought you had a chance with him. Yeah , he flirted a little with the new girl , but everyone knew he had a thing for me."
"I can't believe you actually said that. How dare you?! Lose my number."
"Oh , I already have."
She's got some nerve , why didn't I listened to my guts when I met her? I felt something was wrong and I was right. I threw the phone on the other side of the bed. How did this even happen? Was he really just having some fun that meant nothing? How could I had been so blind? I put my headphones on and listened to Taylor Swift until I fell asleep.


Heyy guys , I know this is a shorter chapter but that's all I came up for it. Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote and comment! :) Love you all , Miru.

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