Chapter 2: Bloodshed

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I remember...... I remember...... I remember that dream.... the dream of the dead.... who take over the living...... I remember that dream...... "never forget the crimson blood, that t'was shed among millions."...... I remember........

"No..... NO!!! What have I done?!?!? All of them are dead!!! AAAHHHH!!!!!"

I woke up, stricken with fear, and bewildered with my surroundings. I was tied to an oak brown headboard by tan, woven rope, with a deep cherry end table by my head. The end table had a note, scribbled in a deep black ink, a single, scent-less, ivory candle, about the size of half of a ruler, and a dagger that had "Fox" scrawled in red to contrast the black, lizard skinned handle. I peered down to look at my dress. My favorite summer dress.... tattered, ruined, and absolutely filthy, coated in various unknown fluids. What happened? Where am I, and why am I here?

I moved my arm and attempted to slip my hand out of the tough rope, but it was no use. The rope was tied so close to my wrist that it was cutting off circulation, so trying to slip out that easily would be impossible. I then realized I had no shoes or pantyhose on, barefoot if you would, and so I thought I could flip my legs back and grab the knife with my toes. I proceeded to, with graceful success, and then tried to cut the braided shackles from my right wrist, with my feet. Let's just say it didn't end too well....

The rope broke, but I had to move my foot with such force that when it broke, it broke skin, and it started too bleed, a lot. The warm red wine bloodshed seemed to flow like a river onto my hand, and seeped through the openings in my hands forming a bigger puddle with every my vision grew darker.....and darker..... and dark-

I shook myself to consciousness, and panicked at the sight of how deep my cut bore. I ripped off a decently clean strip of my dress, cut the rope off of my left wrist, then tied the strip to the cut with the collaborative help of my left hand and teeth. It stained the off-white cream, dying parts of it with the red stream, leaving a selective amount unharmed. I breathed some deep breaths and waited for the red river to stop trickling.

When it finally got to the point to where the blood stopped forming a puddle on the floor, I picked the note up off of the table:

Dearest Blood Wolf,
My sincerest apologies for what has come for you. Those men are not gentlemanly enough to handle such a respectable youth such as yourself, please don't take it to heart so hard.
I should probably introduce myself to you, since I didn't have a chance earlier. My name is Charleston Ernest Theodore Andorlament III, but you may refer to me as Charles. I presume your name is Helen Rose Nereth. Do not panic, I will not use your name against you, it is quite beautiful actually.
To keep you aware, there is a clean dress in the black trunk at the foot of your bed. My mother picked it out and it would look gorgeous on you.
You may stay here as long as you may need to, and we will care for you.
May the bloodshed be low,

"May the bloodshed be low?" I questioned aloud.

Who was this Charles? How did he know what happened? Should I flee, or should I greet?

I placed my feet firmly to the ground, and walked over to the black chest. The chest was about 3 feet long, and lined with gold framework along each corner. I lifted the upper half of the wooden ebony chest to reveal a plain white thick in texture slip, so it was not see through, the needed undergarments, and a sheer, pale green silk scarf, to wrap around my waist.

I put on all of the items, except the scarve and pulled up the dress. It was white as snow, newly washed and hung up recently, very light compared to other dresses. I pulled it over and tied the scarf around my waist in a bow.

I walked over slipped on my petticoat, black, yet filthy shoes, and checked the time.
"4:45?! How?!" I yowled.
I pulled the wide brown door open and flew out to the outdoors, when Charles came bounding after me.
"Helen, Helen!" He exclaimed while trying to catch me."Helen! Stop now! You are still injured!"
That voice....Hawkeye?!
I whipped my head around sending my amber red hair towards the woods.
"I need to find Lloyd! I can't stop!" I howled back at him while sprinting.
"Helen please!"
His voice was drowned out now, all I had on my mind is Lloyd.
'Was he hurt?! Can I help him?! He can't survive on his own, what if he's lost?! I can't leave him alone like that!!'
My speed grew faster and faster as these thoughts came more into play.
"Helen, please!"
I was at the bridge
"Wait, Helen!
I was almost there.
I could smell the crisp pine air
I clutched my arm.
Just a little more
I'm in

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