Chapter 2 Nightmare

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Chapter 2


       I had a dream that I was flying, I looked down and all there were was clouds and blue clear skies. I felt so free and it was really pretty. I have never felt so free in my life. I’ve always been locked up in a cage, like a bird that only has a perch. Finally the cage was unlocked, the door opened and I finally opened my wings to freedom.

“Ms. Thomason.” I opened my eyes and everyone was staring at me. I quickly sat up and looked at Mr. Alex. He was leaning on the deck and his hands crossed in front of me giving me a weird look. “Now that you’re awake I can continue my lesson on dragons.” He sat up from his desk and started to walk toward the white board.

Mr. Alex (Alex is his first name he says he doesn’t like his last name, it’s Lockheart) is the type of teacher all the girls loved. He has hazel eyes (like me), short brown hair that covers his eyes sometimes, and very muscular too. His teeth are perfect and white, he’s tall and flawless. This guy is way too perfect to be normal.

He says he moved here like a year ago from England to teach here. He looks like he is from England cause her has a very strong British ascent that makes you melt. I don’t know why people love British ascent so much but it’s awesome!

He wears a wedding band but doesn’t have a picture of his wife on his desk or talk about her at all, what husband doesn’t talk about their wife!

Mr. Alex is my Mythology teacher, yes I know mythology, it was either Mythology or art, I love to draw but I don’t think I’m very good even though everyone else loves my drawing. I love to draw anime, portraits, mythical creatures and some other stuff.

I took out my sketch pad and started to draw the same thing I couldn’t stop drawing all last night which was a dragon. I drew it many times and I can’t get it out of my head.

The dragon had horns on its head that started to go down then up with a point, he walks on all fours and have giant midnight wings, his tail was long. All in all he was a cool looking and very big dragon.

“Dragons come in all different colors, shapes and sizes. There is special type of dragons called-”

I didn’t pay attention for then on.

I finished the head it had long horns a medium size. I started to shade the head.

“Clare!” I heard a deep moaning sound that was painful to listen to, almost like the last breath they use to speak before that person dies. I looked up from my drawing and looked around.

“Is there something wrong, Ms. Thomason?” Mr. Alex asked.

I shook my head. “No.”

“Help me Clare!” that time it was painful to listen to. I looked back down at my drawing till the bell rang.

When the bell rang I was done with front legs. “Ms. Thomason-” I looked at him. “-may I speak with you?” What he really mean is, you have no choice so get your butt over here.

I sighed. “Yes, Mr. Alex.” I grabbed my sketch pad (so no one takes it, I had it done before) and started to walk to him. Out of all the students he has I’m the only one he’s so formal with.

I stopped in front of his desk. Mr. Alex placed his right hand on the desk from the left side and leaned in the arm, he looked into my eyes. So pretty, I could just melt away. I got really hot. He smile and licked his teeth. “Do you find my class boring?” he glanced at me through his hair.

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