Coming Back Down - FM.DM Part one - Outside

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Coming Back Down


Part one - Outside

Contains some slash, major character death, strong language. References to drug/alcohol abuse.







I’m alive, I'm alright.


At least that that was the first thing I remember thinking after awaking.

I remember my eyes brightening, still lying in the hospital bed, I felt fine, not in any pain, I felt awake, and sober. Of course, at the time, I didn’t think this was odd at all, I didn’t care. I was going to find Dylan, and we were going to leave this place – the four white walls, the droning beep of the heart rate monitors and the stench of disinfectant. We were going to go home, continue on with our lives before and try and forget the accident. I had it all planned out in those few seconds as I awoke. I had sat up, glancing around me for a few moments as my vision cleared fully. The first thing I remember is the room being unnaturally cold, almost at freezing. Though I didn’t shiver, and I couldn’t see my breath when I exhaled. I remember every tiny detail of that room as it was where my whole life crashed to an abrupt halt and there was nothing I could’ve done about it. I remember the cold being the oddest thing, it was just there, unnerving. I could hear a monotonous beep in the background which had just begun as I’d opened my eyes, but I couldn’t focus on it. I didn’t know what it was. Probably one of the machines.



That was when I sat upright, glanced around the rest of the room for a better view. I remember seeing him next, asleep, just a few feet away from me. A smile had spread across my face. Swinging my legs around, I had lightly stepped off the bed and bounded towards him. I remembered expecting to feel weak, or tired, probably both, but I didn’t feel a thing. I felt oddly empty; like I couldn’t touch or feel anything but back then I didn’t care. He was there, right in front of me. I could touch him.

‘Everything is going to be okay now!’



That mind-set completely changed when I had reached out a hand to caress his face gently to wake him, and I couldn’t. I couldn’t touch him; my hand just sunk straight through. I couldn’t touch him. I hadn’t understood then, but whatever it was, It wasn’t good. My had had just sunk straight through him.

I couldn’t touch him.

That was when panic set in.



It was also when Dylan had awoken with a sudden start, eyes flying open. I had been right there, directly in front of him but he looked straight through me – like I wasn’t there. I think that was what had scared me the most then. He was up on his feet in an instant, dashing right through me, he must have felt me though, he shivered, but not from the cold. In fact, he wasn’t cold at all, I could feel the heat coming from his body, it was just me. The beeping in the background became louder, or maybe I was able to focus on it better – I don’t know. Dylan was now by my bed, I remember yelling and screaming at him, ‘I’m here! Why can’t you see me? I’m right fucking here, don’t ignore me! Didn’t you see me? What’s wrong with you?!’ but it was no use, he was ignoring me. No, he wasn’t ignoring me, he couldn’t hear me.

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⏰ Última atualização: May 05, 2013 ⏰

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Coming Back Down - FM.DM Part one - OutsideOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora