Chapter 1-

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"Miss Rosalina? Are you there? Your mother is calling you for tea" Mary called out to me.

Mary was my nanny. She's the most amazing person I had ever met. She was actually the person who had raised me up till now. Throughout my life my mother had been busy with her parish affairs and other dinner parties. It was sometimes a miracle that she even knew my name, considering the fact that I met her only during breakfast and even then not a single word was exchanged between her and me. My father, on the other hand was always away on business trips to various places. Hence, Mary was the closest person I had to my parents. I respected her a lot and listened to her.

I was in my room painting.

"Yes, I'm coming. I'm just finishing up this painting. I tried to paint Mona Lisa, just like Leonardo da Vinci did!" I smiled brightly at her.

Mary smiled back at me. She adored me and always encouraged me to paint. My mother on the other hand, thought that my activities were a waste of time, and she was probably right. I was not the typical English young woman you would meet. I was a little rough, my language was like that of a lady and I definitely did not like being one.

"It is wonderful ma'am, but according to your mother, painting is most unladylike. Maybe you should change clothes, it would be most disrespectful if you turned up in that." She said, looking me up and down. Her eyes filled with deep understanding.

"What does it matter? It's just dinner, no one is watching!"

"Rosalina! You need to watch your manners! You know your mother hates when you talk like that! You are a sixteen year old woman, now go get changed." Mary said. She tried to scold me but I saw the twinkle behind her eyes.

"Mary please call me Rosa. And please tell mother I'll be down in a few minutes." I replied sharply, storming off into my bedroom.

Everyone in my house seriously drove me round the bend! I hated my parents being rich. I wanted to be free, exploring the world, becoming a famous painter. Sadly that was something my family looked down upon. They believed that a sixteen year old girl was supposed to stay at home, interact with rich young men, get married and have kids.

'This is not how I wanted my life to turn out like!' I thought angrily as I washed the paints from between my fingers.

I ran downstairs, skipping a step at a time. I enjoyed doing that.

"Oh Rosalina! Look at you! You are so scruffy. I do wish you would act like a proper lady, you're not a child anymore!" My mother started her usual rattle.

"I'm only Sixteen! I shouldn't need to grow up so fast!"

"Stop whining Rosalina! You are starting to make a full out of yourself. Lets go eat, remember we have a big day tomorrow." My mother reminded me.

"Do I have to go?" I questioned. "It's only a day out! We don't have to make a big deal about it, besides, if I stay, that means I will get to paint again!"

"Of course you are going dear! As you are aware, tis a very important event for your father! I want you to dress up properly and behave like a nice young woman. There will be some young handsome men there, if they ask you for a dance I want you to properly answer yes and not walk away rudely." She warned.

I sighed inwardly and sat down at the table. My mother did not understand me. She did not know that inwardly how much I detested being controlled by her. That's the very reason I was a rebellious person.

"Miss Rosa?", Mary asked me.

"Yes Mary?" I hoped she knew what I wanted. I am sure she knew I needed it.

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