His Little Gumdrop

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As a kid Raven was bulied. A lot. One day when she went for a walk she decided to walk by a pound. This certain pony was called Crow Pond because a lot of crows built their nests there. It also just happened to be the pond all the companies in the city dumped their chemical waste at. So when she was walking by the pond, downhill, she was about to take a step when a crow crowed, scaring her & making her trip & fall into the pond. She almost drowned but but teenage(Laughing) Jack saw her fall in and pulled her out & called an ambulance. She was in a coma at the hospital for at least three weeks because of the chemicals.

While at the same time the chemicals were altering her looks & giving her certain abilities (Before she fell in she was blonde & had blue eyes but the chemicals made it so she now has red eyes ,black hair, & more or less has the powers of a poltergeist). After she got out of the hospital she stayed at her house because people had started to call her a freak. The only times she left would be to go and buy groceries. Therefore one night she was walking home from the store when she got pushed into a dark alleyway. "Hey freak." A gruff voice said. "Go away Adrian..." She mumbled. "Or what? Yer gonna 'urt me with yer powers?" He smirked.

She didn't awnser. "Nah. Yer too much of a chicken. You know what? I'm gonna teach you a lesson, freak." He said punching her. Raven fell to the ground, blood dripping from he cut lip. She slowly glared up at him. "All you got?" "Not even close." He grinned then pulled her up by her hair & slammed his knee into her face. He pulled back his first to hit her again but stopped when he felt a hand grab his sleeve. The figure holding his sleeve spun him around & pinned him against the wall.

"Want to hurt her again?" The figure sneered earning a shake of the heard from Adrian. "That's what I thought." He (the figure) said letting go of Adrian. He turned around with his back to Adrian before turning back around quickly & punching him thus knocking him out. "Are you okay?" The figure asked Raven. "A split lip & a black eye...not the worst he's done." She laughed. "Good. I'm Laughing Jack but you can call me LJ or Jack, if you want." He said holding out his hand. She took his hand & he pulled her up.

"Say why don't I take you back to where I live & I'll get you cleaned up." He said. She nodded then blushed realizing she was still holding his hand. Jack pulled out his phone to text someone & minutes later a silver van with a circle & a x on it pulled up. "Ladies first." He smiled. Raven hesitantly got in & buckled up. Jack sat next to her & did the same. Soon the van pulled up to it's destination at a mansion in the woods & they got out.

Jack took her inside, got her cleaned up & took her to a room with the fabled Slenderman in it. Jack talked to slendy & ended up getting Raven to join as a pasta. She got her own room, got into bed & started to fall asleep when Jack walked in. She quickly pretended to be asleep. Jack (thinking she was sleeping) sat down next to her on her bed & sighed. "That was close. I.....I almost lost you. I saved you when you fell in the pond but I almost didn't save you here & if I hadn't came when I did you might've died & I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if that happened. I love you, see." He sighed again. "Goodnight my sweet gumdrop." He got up & walked towards the door.

Raven quickly rolled over. "LJ?" She asked. Jack sucked in his breath. Had she heard him talking? "Yes?" He asked turning around. "I love you too." She smiled sleepily. He smiled & walked over to her. "Goodnight." He said & pecked her on the lips.

His Little Gumdrop (Laughing Jack × OC (Raven) one shot)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang