Ugh. . .

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Dinner went like normal, our whole family talked and laughed with each other, I told them what happened on GMM today and the kids thought that was hilarious. After dinner the kids got ready for bed, I told Christy I'd tuck them in. I tucked the boys in first then went to Lily's room.

"Dad?" Lily asked.

I looked at her. "Yeah baby?"

"Does Rhett like you? You know . . . more then a friend?" Lily asked.

I laughed. "No sweetie, get some sleep okay?" She nodded and I kissed her forehead. I closed her door behind me and headed to the bedroom Christy had her glasses on reading. I quickly changed into my pajamas and got in bed next to her.

"Sleepy?" She asked. I nodded and slipped my glasses off. I leaned over and she met me halfway we shared a sweet longing kiss and turned the light off. I put my hand on the head board and started to tap a beat.

The next day I got dressed in a graphic t-shirt and some skinny jeans with a pair of mythical shoes. Christy walked out of the bathroom fully dressed with make-up on.

"I have to go baby, kisses." I said, she walked me to the door as we shared many kisses. I pulled her into me and shared a very long with with her.

"Have a good day at work." She said. "I love you."

"I love you too." I said and left.

When I got to work, Rhett was in the office looking stressed.

"Hey whats up?" I asked.

"Link, I gotta tell you something." Rhett stood up and closed the door. I looked at Rhett, he looked like he going to explode if he didn't tell me the thing he was about to tell me.

"You okay man?" I asked. Rhett mumbled something and I knitted my eyebrows together. "What? I didn't hear you."

"Link . . . I love you."


Well, I have to tell him sometime right? Shouldn't I? I know, if he loved me. I would want to know- I think. Ugh.

I got home that night, feeling completely exhausted and my heart hurting. However, when I got home I couldn't show these emotions because if I did. Jessie, my beautiful wife would ask whats wrong and I just don't know if I can keep it a secret much longer. At least not to Link anyway. While we ate dinner I tried my best to act as happy as I could. I just got by my kids. While I was saying goodnight to Shepard, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back down to him. I stared at him with confusion.

"You okay dad?" He asked, I leaked a smile. I nodded and kissed his forehead.

"You know daddy loves you right? And your brother, and your mother. No matter what, right?" I asked him, he furrowed his eyebrows but nodded.

"You sure everything is okay dad? Are you and mom okay?" He asked, sitting up more, I laid him back down.

"We're fine, kiddo. I love you, night kiddo." I said while running my hands through his hair. He nodded and repeated the words to me. I shut the door and leaned on it for a second. Maybe I didn't fool my kids. I sighed and scratched my beard.

It was true, I did love Jessie. Maybe I don't love Link, maybe Jessie and I just need something. Some alone time. I ran my hands through my hair and walked into our bedroom. She was on our bed, brushing her nice long hair. When she heard me shut the door, she hopped up and turned to me.

"Rhett? What's wrong?"

I didn't look at her, I just sat down and scratched my chin once again.

"Jess? How did you feel the first time we went on a date?"


"Just, tell me." I whispered, she sighed and sat down next to me, she wrapped her arm around my torso and rested her head on my shoulder.

"Well, I felt the classic butterflies. But, I just- I felt something. Something I don't know how to explain. And, that my friend is love." She said only above a whisper.

And, that my friend is love. And, that my friend is love. . . It's true. I love Link Neal.

The morning went by slow, I couldn't decide if I wanted to tell him or not until I saw him. However, when I saw him. I felt the something that's unexplainable even stronger. I felt a little bit of guilt in my stomach which pushed me to tell him.

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