Chapter One

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~Y/n p.o.v~

I have always love paranormal stuff and I heard there was a opening and P.I.E so I desired to get a job there. There's only two people working there other then me. There names are Johnny Ghost and Johnny Toast. There like best friends and I don't think I will fit in but its wroth a try, right? I was walking to work that day because of my car being in the shop. I saw this huge building with a sigh that said "P.I.E HQ" so I walked in. It was like a house only more then two floors. I could tell they lived here because of the empty whiskey bottles on the floor.

"Hello?" I said and it seemed to echo threw the whole building. I was about to leave when I heard someone some down the stairs.

"Hello. I'm sorry it took me so long to come down. I just woke up and wasn't fully dressed yet. Are you are new partner?" He asked with a British accent.

"Umm yes, My name is y/n, and you are?" I asked

"Oh excuse my manners. My name is Johnny Toast. My friend isn't awake yet. He told me to tell you that you are welcome to live here if you wish. We have cloths in your size in your room we set up. If you want we can go scare my friend awake!" He said. He seemed to be blushing but I couldn't tell for sure.

"Ok I brought all my stuff from home and ok it sounds like fun to scare someone at this hour." I said. I put my stuff down and then told him I was ready to scare them.

"Ok you wake him up. I'll wake here." he pointed to a door and told me that it was Ghost room. I walked slowly and quietly to the door. I opened it and to my surprise it didn't squeak. I was right next to the bed about to yell when he jumped out of bed and tackled me. He didn't seem to have anything but boxers on.

"Ha got you toast!!!" He yelled still eyes closed. I heard laughing from the hall. It was Johnny Toast. I couldn't help but notice that Ghost had a six pack.

"Umm I'm not toast my name is y/n l/n your new partner." Ghost finely opened his eyes and started blushing as red as a tomato. He finely got off me and had his hand on the back of his neck.

"S-sorry I thought y-you where Toast." He was blushing really hard and so was I. "Well that's one way to meet that you will never forget ha-ha hu." Ghost seemed nervous but I couldn't tell what it was.

"I'm going to leave and let you get dressed." I said and left and took Toast by his collar. "YOU DIDN'T TELL ME HE WOULD BE DRESSED!!!" I yelled and he quit his laughing and say my eyes change colors. "I CAN'T BELIVE YOU SENT ME IN THERE WITH HIM NOT DRESSED!!! Oh no TOAST RUN!!! AHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA" I couldn't stop her from coming. I blacked out hoping someone could help me.

~Ghost p.o.v~

I walked out of my room after I was dressed to see what all the yelling was about, and then I saw y/n but it wasn't y/n. She had black eyes and red hair. "HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA WANT TO HAVE SOME FUN GHOSTIE!!!" Who ever was possessing her said.

"GET OUT I BAND YOU FROM THIS PLACE LEAVE Y/N'S BODY NOW!!!" I yelled then y/n fell to the ground. "Y/N!!!" I grabbed her body and put it on my bed. She's like me. She has someone living in her head like me.

"OW MY HEAD!!!" y/n yelled. "Oh no you saw me like that. I'm going bye!" y/n yelled and ran out the door. Then toast came in worried as a hell that something happened to me.

"SIR!!! YOU'RE OKAY!!!" Toast yelled.

"OF CORSE I AM, BUT RIGHT NOW WE NEED TO FIND Y/N!!!" I grabbed my classic hoodie and ran out of my room. When I saw someone in the dark corner of the room crying. It was y/n. "Y-y/n are y-you ok?" I asked. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes. She didn't know who to trust, and was proible worried about me and Toast getting hurt. "Y/n its ok. Have you heard of Jimmy casket? Well if not watch the news. That's all they talk about I swear. But anyways Jimmy Casket is like your demon that possess you, he's a murder that possess me and then expects me to take the blame for his crimes. But you can trust me. I'll keep you safe from her." I told y/n.

"Really?" y/n asked me with tears in the eyes.

"Yes really. Anything for you." I said I didn't understand the feeling I had for her. It was stronger then my friendship with toast, yet I couldn't be. I couldn't be falling in love. I was awakened from my daze by y/n crying in my hoodie. "Sssshhhh its ok. I've got you now. No one can hurt you." Then I heard a camera 'click' and I knew who was be hide the doing of the picture. "JOHNATHEN TOATS YOU GET BACK HERE WITH THAT PICTUER!!!" I yelled. I got to him and tackled him. Well ripping the picture to shreds I heard a slight laugh in my head.

'Jimmy not now I want to have a good day for once'

'Fine but I get to kill 15 people tonight got it'



I walked into y/n's room and I heard more crying. Something happed and she wouldn't let on. I walked into her room to see her on the bed tied up and a ghost like figurer laughing at her. It was Jimmy. "JIMMY GET AWAY FROM HERE NOW!!!" I yelled and he came back into my mind. I was so mad I couldn't see straight. I went to got help y/n escape the chains when I felt a cold presents in the room. 'Oh no y/n's demons here' I said in my head about before I could say anything I was in bed next to y/n in chains as well.


"WHY SHOULD I!!! IF HE MAKES YOU HAPPY HE MUST DIE!!!"Martha screamed at the top of her lungs.


"Fine I wont kill him... for now" and with that Martha left and both sets of chains disappeared.

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. It took me forever top finish so you better like it!!! just kidding but if you have any ideas on how I can make it better leave a comment.

CHLOE OUT!!! 1140 words

Johnny Ghost X Reader X Johnny ToastWhere stories live. Discover now