Chap. 1 'Hello?'

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Zoey's POV

I was walking around the castle gardens when I bumped into a mushroom. "Hello Barry! I'm sorry, didn't see ya there." I spoke. I picked him up and carried him inside. After placing Barry back into the flower pot in my room I screamed, " TEEP WHY WAS BARRY IN THE GARDENS!?!?"

After a minute without an answer I went to the throne room to see if my mother had seen my brother. "Hello? Anyone here?" I questioned the fact that I couldn't even find a GUARD in this castle today. Usually every time I turn around I see a guard all up in my face. Today, its my 18th birthday which means I have to choose a prince to marry. Its ridiculous but I deal with it. Like, 'Oh you're an adult now get married to a man you don't even know and rule a kingdom with him forever." Ridiculous.

I walk into the meeting room. No one. The ball room. Just decorations. The gardens. Nada. The kitchen. Only a chef.

I talked to the chef. "Hey Leo you know where uh ANYONE is at?" He simply shakes his head and continues cooking the dinner for tonight. A huge buffet. I walked to the front gates. Not even a guard keeping me from exiting the castle? I guess today isn't so bad after all. I walk towards the gate. As I exit the grounds I see a shadow jumping over me and I black out.

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