Chapter 2.

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April's POV

I've never liked bands, I think they're all big headed, rich tossers. I prefer solo artists who can actually sing and are not with 3 or 4 other poxy people covering up the fact they can't sing for shit. I'm a very negative person and I have been told by several people, do I care? Do I fuck.

5 Seconds Of Summer? Nobs.
One Direction? Pricks.
The Vamps? Wankers.
All Time Low? Idiots.

And so on, I could rant about bands for hours. Thats exactly what I do on Twitter. I send hate to members and tell them exactly how I feel and I don't care. My Twitter account has 90'000 followers so I don't think a lot of other people care about my opinion either.

My laptop dings alerting me of a new Twitter notification.

@Luke5SOS followed you back!

New message from @Luke5SOS:
"Do you get satisfaction from saying hurtful and making crud comments about other people? Because I personally think you're a bitch."

I re read the message over and over again, I stare blankly at the screen with my mouth agape slightly in shock. I need to think of a cocky reply.

New Message to @Luke5SOS:
"Am I not entitled to an opinion? It's a free country Luke in case you didn't know."

The icon appeared to show that he was typing a lengthy reply.

@Luke5SSOS: But if you hadn't noticed your opinion is nasty as fuck. The things you say are wrong and you knock people's self esteem tremendously.

@AprilHart: Is this actually happening lol? Have my words upset little Luke?

@Luke5SOS: If I'm honest you have upset me. Telling me to go die and taking the piss out of my height and spots? Not cool. Aren't pretty girls meant to be sweet and kind?

@AprilHart: Just speaking the truth honey, don't get all pissy with me. You think I'm pretty?

@Luke5SOS: The truth? Fuck you. Did your mother never say to you "if you've not got anything nice to say then don't say anything at all." Obviously not because you're an arrogant little girl who doesn't know what you can say and not what you can say. You need to think of other people's feeling because one day what you say might drive someone too far! You absolute bitch. I may or may not think your pretty.

@AprilHart: Wow Luke, hurtful. Your words don't effect me mate. It's funny how much my words have effected you that you would confront me, kinda pathetic. But I am kinda hot though.

@Luke5SOS: Did you just? I thought you didn't like me or my band but you know one of our songs? What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you that messed up? Of course your words effect me. Any human being with feelings would be effected by your words! Your heartless that's what's you are.

@AprilHart: wow your ego is massive, I didn't just quote your song and I don't know any of your songs and I do hate you and your band. I have been told my family and lots of others that I'm negative and heartless but who cares? I'm happy so oh well.

@Luke5SOS: How can someone like you be happy? Honestly I pity you. Your attitude is all wrong and you're stuck up.

@AprilHart: aw Luke what nice words! Australians are said to be arrogant so it's all good, I'm living up to expectations. I don't need your opinion, thanks though Lucas.

@Luke5SOS: You're Australian?

@AprilHart: If you read my bio you'd know that I'm 19 and from Sydney

Twitter DM'S// Luke Hemmings.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt