Chapter II

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The tears wouldn’t stop falling down my face, I had clenched on to the steering wheel of the car so hard it were starting to burn my fingers. The thoughts and images of what Id witnessed ten minutes ago wouldn’t go away and all I could think of doing was scrunching up into a little ball, vanishing from the face of the earth and never seeing Jake’s face ever again.

Twisting the key that was already in the ignition and letting go after the car had started the mix CD that Jake made for me last year started playing out loud. I don’t quite know how it happened but I managed to take the CD out of the stereo, snap it into two pieces and chuck it out of the window.

All sorts of thoughts were running through my head I wanted so badly to get out of the car, run as fast as my legs would take me and slap Jake right across the face. I didn’t. Instead I pushed the accelerate pedal and drove as far away as I could from there.

It was weird, the way I got home. I had so many distractions along the way I just let my instincts take me to where I should be. Before getting out of the car, I took several deep breaths to control my tears, I looked at my face in the rear-view mirror making sure there was no smear of mascara running down my face, I got out, shut the door, dragged my feet towards my house and opened the door.

Jake –

“Kiss her, kiss her, kiss her” everyone chanted after the bottle had pointed at me.

I glanced over to where Zoe was sitting down, I now began to realise why every girl in our school envied her, and how it was quite obvious that she was the head cheerleader, having lovely long legs and a slim body. All of a sudden I began to remember over hearing a guy saying how captivating her soft green eyes were; only adding more to her charm. I think I liked her hair the most though, a subtle shade of mahogany, twisted now into a pony tail.

When I finally plucked up the courage to kiss her, I bit the side of my lip playfully then quickly but carefully leaned towards her and placed my lips on top of hers.

The chanting surrounding me became only a buzz in my ear as I felt Zoe’s lips curve into an awkward smile and that’s when I let go, watching her only now walk back towards her seat without making eye contact.

Feeling awfully hot I decided to make my way towards my car where I had left my water bottle, on the way to the parking I heard footsteps behind me

I looked back.

“Hey, it’s me Zoe” the voice said as only her shadow moved towards me “I wanted to thank you, for not bailing out on that kiss”

I cleared out my voice “um, it was my pleasure Zo” I thought she would make her way back at that point and then when she didn’t I asked “Is something wrong?”

“No, well yeah. I guess I came here to tell you something”

In my head the words coming out her mouth seemed to be processing slowly and I was just too interested in what she had to say so I didn’t interrupt

“I don’t really know how to say this but I guess I’ll just come right out with it, ever since I’ve known you I’ve had a strange feeling. A good feeling of course, what I’m trying to say is…”

I don’t know what came over me but I stepped towards her reached my hand for her brushing the strand of hair off her cheek as it slides ever so slightly over her ear my thumb rubbing softly caressing her ear lobe my fingers supporting the back of her head as I lean in and firmly place our lips together. I can feel her quickly inhale pulling the air from my own lungs I pull her body closer and hold her tightly against me feeling the rate of both out heart beats.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2013 ⏰

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