Chapter 2: Release

Start from the beginning

A look of suprise washed over his face, and I regretted saying what I did immediately."I'm sorry, nevermind, that was so abrupt. I shouldn't have..." I trailed off into a mumble and sat back, staring at the ceiling and mentally small king myself. He was a huge artist, and I had just asked him if he wanted to tour. That's not how those things worked. I knew better than that.

"I would sit up, but I'm still dying over here. I'll tell Stuart to set it all up. He and Rosie can meet up and discuss it once the album is released. Let's get there first."

I sat up again, "Are being serious with me right now, Teddy?"

Finally sitting up, he looked right at me. "Of course, you're one of my best friends. Let's just get this thing out first." He wouldn't stop smiling and it was driving me insane. If it was possible to physically explode, I would have.

"Wicked," I said and laid back down with a spinning head. "You're one of my best friends too."

"Hey,Bev," Ed's voice snapped me from my daydreaming and looking out the van window.

"Sorry," I looked over to him and was faced with a camera. "Ed, stop! Where did you even get that?" I asked, trying to swat it away.

He giggled and moved it out of my reach, "Murray lent it to me," pointing it back to me, "Here we have classic Beverly, staring out the window being all deep and such." I rolled my eyes at him. "What is today Beverly?"

I turned to face him, another rush of excitement running through me. I crossed my legs and sat Indian style, "I release my album today," I smiled.

"Annddd," he pressed.

"And I have a lot of shows to do. It's all really exciting. I'm getting a little nervous though."

"Exhilarating innit?"


"Anything to say to everyone?"

"Um, I love you guys. Thank you, and I hope to see a lot of you there. Stay beautiful," I blew the camera a quick kiss and a small wave.

"Bye, Bev," Ed added at the end. I waved and grabbed my water. He shut the camera lense and smiled, "They're gonna love that."

"Yeah well I don't love the camera in my face," I said, glaring at him.

"Oh, love. You better get used to it. At this rate, you're going to have to fight for your privacy like it's your life."

"That's encouraging," I huffed.

"You make a choice."

"I know," there was silence for a few moments. "Thanks for coming with me. It helps."

"Anything for Beverly," he laughed and pulled out his phone.

I smiled and let the butterflies that swarmed in my stomach lull me back into a daydream as I watched the city rush by.


I had done it. All three shows, the interviews, and the album was out.

Every place we had arrived there were lines of fans. I didn't even know how many people actually listened to my music. Many of them wanted pictures, and I was so beyond happy to take as many as they wanted. My fans came first. I promised that.

After all was said and done at the end of the day, I sat in my dressing room. We had had a huge celebration with the whole crew and Rosie had made a cake for me. The whole night was incredible, but I was exhausted.

I heard a knock at my door as I laid on the big chair in my room. It was the only thing saving me from the tired but adrenaline filled state I was in. I let it completely consume me.

"Hey, it's me." I could tell it was Ed even with the muffled sound.

I groaned and didn't move, "It's open." The door swung open to reveal the messy ginger. He sat down on the floor in front of me and drummed at my knees that were tucked in as I curled up in the chair.

"So," he said excitedly, "How do you feel?"

I looked down at him, "How do I look?" he gave me a once over.

"Fantastic," he smiled, "Now let me take you out for a drink."

"Ed,Im tired."

"Im buying," he said through a cheeky smile.

I contemplated the choices. "Dammit. Fine." He gave my legs a final drum and stood up.

"Come on grandma," he offered me his hand to stand up.

Getting up with a groan, I defended myself, "I'm two years younger than you."

"You act like you're 40 years older," he laughed and I smacked his arm.

"You better get me really drunk then before I die on you."

"Pleasure is all mine."


What's up with my favorite people? I hope you liked this chapter. I think I'm going to kill you with the next one, so be prepared. This chapter is for _Give_Me_Ed_ cause it's only a month or so until we are probably meeting, and I'm just jfjfjjdkksbdbfjfjfhfbd. Also, my mom, Sheerans_Wife is killing it with her chapters lately, so go read them innit. Love you, stay beautiful x :) ❤

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