Feeling are Rising to the Surface.

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Kirstie's POV
"Kirstie cmon we'll be late!" Mitch complained as we got ready for the duet competition. I giggled.

"Wow I've never seen you so eager to do something like this before." He rolled his eyes and smiled.

"Yeah well don't get too used to it Kirstie." We both laughed and headed out the door. When we reached the theatre, Mitch gasped.

"Wow." He whispered, "this is huge!" I nodded my head as we took a seat in the front row.

"Yeah it really is. They usually hold a huge concert at the end of the camp where everyone and anyone can come to. It's like a talent show. You don't have to do it but everyone always wants to do it. Hey if you want to be in it you could audition!" I said brightening up a bit, "or even better we could do our duet!" Mitch chuckled and shook his head.

"I never knew one could say so many words," he said, "but sure, I'll do it. But! Only if we do our duet." I smirked and nodded my head. Soon Scott approached me.

"Hey Kirst! He said excitedly, "You ready for the duet competition? My partner Meggs and I are going to kill it so, you better watch out." I shook my head.

"Don't speak too soon Hoying. Mitch and I have a pretty amazing duet coming your way." He scoffed and looked at Mitch and I.

"Is that so? Okay then, well good luck to you!" He said smiling. I faced Mitch and sighed.

"Mitch I know the real you," I started, "you're funny, kind, and very talented. You just need to show it to Scott." Mitch didn't say anything, he just nodded his head. Soon the theatre lights went down and all of the campers cheered. Soon the camp leader came out with a clip board in their hands.

"All right campers!" They said enthusiastically, "let's get this duet competition started! First off let's start with Scott and Meggs. Scott was a former three time winner of this competition along with Kirstin, and this year they're separated. So let's see how this turns out!" Then Scott and Meggs got up. They sang Roar by Katy Perry, and I must say, it was very well done. But Mitch and I could do better. Sorry Scott! Soon the counsellor came up again and clapped a little bit.

"Thank you Scott and Meggs! Now up next, is Kirstin and Mitch." Mitch and I nodded at each other than we made our way up to the stage. Mitch looked nervous so I did all of the speaking.

"Hello everyone," I started, "I'm Kirstie and this is Mitch. Today we'll be performing an original song that I wrote called Can't Sleep Love." I motioned for the band to start and gave Mitch a nod. He nodded back and smiled. We than did the song and killed it! Mitch broke out of his shell and was AMAZING. Once the all of the duets were done, the counsellors and the judges came onto the stage.

"Okay here we go," the camp leader said as they were handed the results, "in third place... Kevin and Avi!" Everyone cheered but soon silenced to hear the rest. "In second place, Scott and Meggs!" More cheering blah blah blah. Cmon just announced the winners already! "Finally in first place, Kirstie and Mitch!" Everyone cheered very loudly as we made our way to the stage. I grabbed Mitch's hand and interlocked it with mine. We grabbed our award and left the theatre. Once we got outside of the auditorium, I hugged him so much.

"You were amazing!" I stated as I hugged him yet again. He laughed and let go.

"Really? No ones ever told me that about my singing." I gave him a really look and he nodded his head.

"Well I think you're amazing." Then I felt lips on mine. That player. I smiled into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck. When we broke the kiss we both laughed at each other.

"How about we don't tell anyone what just happened." Mitch chuckled and grabbed onto my hand, holding it proudly.

"Let's head back to the cabin. I'm exhausted." I nodded my head and walked with him to the cabin. When we got there we just relaxed, laughed, and talked. Well at least until Scott got home.

"How did you guys best me?" he asked childishly, "I just don't get it. No one knew your song. Everyone knew mine." I shrugged.

"Maybe you've lost your it factor." I stated earning a laugh from Mitch. Scott fake smiled than laughed a little.

"Very funny Kirstie! I have not lost my it factor thank you very much!" I shrugged.

"You never know Hoying!" He laughed and shook his head heading into our little mini kitchen. He grabbed some food and headed to his room. Mitch sighed.

"What's next on the agenda for our camp?" He asked. I grinned and looked at my laptop.

"The talent show tryouts." Mitch shook his head smiling.

"Okay well we'll deal with that later. Now I have to go get some rest, care to join me?" He asked. I giggled and nodded my head. We than went to his bedroom and just cuddled on his bed. Than we fell asleep.

Scott's POV
I woke up about an hour later and decided to go talk to Mitch and well, sort things out between us. I couldn't find Kirstie but that wasn't important at the moment. I than opened the door to Mitch's room to find him and Kirstie snuggled up together sleeping. Ew. It's just weird seeing your best friend and step-brother in the same room cuddling. I than went back to my room confused and in more need of talking to Mitch.

My Friends Older Brother (Mirstie)Where stories live. Discover now