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Maria's P.O.V
July 2nd 2000
"Wake up Maria God dammit!"
I jump from my bed and rolled my eyes and laid back down again in my bed realizing it was just my mom being an annoying bitch.
"Maria! Get your ass up for school! Are you deaf?"
I jump out of my bed once again.
"Jesus mom! Why don't you ever fucking knock!?" I yelled.
"Swear at me one more time or I'm sending you to the Military school."
"Go ahead mom do it! I want to get out of here anyway." I got up and walked right past her. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and put my outfit on. We had homework, but oh well. It's senior year, who the hells gonna do an essay with a billion words? "Thank god it's Friday." I said to myself looking at my ugly reflection in the mirror. I heard my cell phone ring. "Ugh, it's all the way over there." I said to myself peaking in the kitchen as my mom was standing right near it. "Give me it mom!" I snatched the phone and ran outside and walked to school. Then I start singing, 'Marshall Mathers' damn I can't get that song out of my head. "I'm just a regular guy I don't know why-"

"You like Eminem?" An unknown voice asked.

I turned around and saw one of my classmates, one of the ass holes that also bully me.

"Yeah? Why do you care?"

"Wow me too, didn't know a girl like you had such a good taste in music." He smiled. "My names Jordan by the way."

"I know your name." I smiled and shook his hand.

"So Maria, what makes you walk to school alone?" Jordan asked.

"Wow." I laughed, "surprised you know my name."

"Why's that a surprise?"

"You pick on me everyday in the halls, didn't think you bother to know what my name is."

"Yeah I'm sorry, I changed my ways. I don't want to be those typical high school football guys that pick on the outcast."

"Gee thanks." I laugh

"I'm just playing." Jordan says and puts his arm around me like I'm one of his, 'bros'

We finally made it to school and he decided to take his arm off of me. Not surprised.

"Nice talking to you, Maria. We should chill tonight?"

"Oh, we'll see." I smile and walk away. I can't believe it, is Jordan asking me on a date? Shit!

"Oh why look it here, it's you again! When are you gonna go home and drink bleach already bitch." The preppy bitch said.

"Why don't you bitches worry about graduating and stop acting like you're 16."

I turn around and see Keisha standing struggling with 6 books in her hand.

"Thanks, Keisha, I appreciate that." I said

"Anytime, i hate them, but um can you help me out a bit here." Keisha laughed

"Sure, why do you have all these text books anyway?" I ask

"We have to return our text books today remember?"

"Shit! Stupid me!"

"Whatever it doesn't matter Maria, they have a million in the back of the school. Come on we gotta get to English."

"Yeah, we should, if I'm late again shit ain't gonna go good."

English Class //

"Alright everyone! Turn in your essays!" Mrs.Carcadi yells

"I didn't do mine." I whisper to Keisha

"You're not the only one." Jordan turns around and smiles.

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