Chapter Two

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"Well..." Romeo began, looking away from the dirty blonde haired boy. "I used to live on a small farm, raising chickens and pigs for the market with my two older brothers and my grandfather. That was, until the farm burned down. My grandfather died in the fire, so my brothers lived on the streets until..." his voice choked up on the last word.
Henry caught the choke in his voice and sat down next to him, wrapping his arms gently around the redheaded male, waitung patiently until he cluld continue.
"Until they both died of starvation last week..." Romeo whimpered.
Henry gently rubbed his back. "Im sorry about your loss..." he said softly. "You can stay here." He added.
Romeo smiled and hugged him loosely, smiling when he felt Henry gently rubbing his back.
Henry managed to pick up the lightweight boy, since both of Romeo's feet were wrapped in medical bandages, having his ankle sprained a few bones displaced. Honestly Henry didmt mind, he could carry Romeo like he was a toddler!
He carried him to a large room where he changed Romeo's ragged clothes into a loose nightshirt. He set the redhead in bed and draped the blankets over his sleeping form. He smiled at the curled up form, walking out of the room and preparing some food for romeo and himself.

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