Chapter 5 June 2015

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Well I kinda have a lot to say now well here I go so me and Bard are still together we are still just dating but still in love and all. Bard and Vegard now has their own talk show in Norway called I kveld med Ylvis. It's been on since 2011 Bard loves it and so does Vegard oh yeah also Vegard and Tiffany got married in 2011 I was the maid of honor and Bard was the best man they had a big weddings witch I hate weddings I think that's why Bard hasn't proposed yet that and maybe because he afraid i'll say no with if he does I will say yes but I don't want a wedding we had a big fight about it when Tiffany and Vegard was getting married it almost causes us to break up but like always my best friends Tiffany Vegard Andi and Andi boyfriend Jeff made us realize that we can't live without another. We didn't have any more kids together since the miscarriage we really didn't do it that much. Me and Bard decided to adopt a kid who was beaten so bad because of his family he didn't even have a name he was only 4 we gave him the name Justin it's a cool name and also he lost 33% of his hearing so we taught him ASL. Now all of our kids call me mom and Bard dad which we love very much because if they didn't we probably would have lots of kids.Okay so in 2011 I was getting bullied a lot from work so I tried to commit suicide so Bard sent me to the one helping place I met Lindsey   Greystone she didn't have no where else to go so we took her in but she started dating Bard' friend who is also in the show but now he's having his own show his name is Magnus Devold. So that was the update to my life

  When Bard got home from work around 11:00 PM he came in and kissed me on the cheek and said "what's for dinner" I said "you already ate" he said "I want a snack" I said "what do you want" he said "nah you seem tired i'll make it what do YOU want my love" I said "no honey you work all day i'll make us something you want eggs?" he said "yes please and thanks Sammy I don't know what I would do without you" I said "you would be living with Vegard and Tiffany" he laughed we ate our food took a shower and Bard was watching T.V while I was on my laptop and the most weirdest thing that he said was "Sammy why don't we ever spend time together?" I looked over to the TV and it was off so I knew it meant something that he had to talk about. I looked at Bard and said "idk you're always at work and i'm always with the kids or at work" he said "well why don't we just spend the night together you know like old times" I said "are you horny or something you're acting strange?" he said "no i'm not but I just wanna spend some time with you hell when I wake up or turn over to hold you you're never there" I said "YOU KNOW WHAT I'M NOT CHEATING I HAVE A JOB AND LIKE 5 FUCKING KIDS TO TAKE CARE OF I DON'T HAVE ANY TIME FOR ME. he said "okay okay calm down I didn't say you was all I want to do is hold you and I don't know watch a movie or something like that you know? do you think i'm cheating" I started to cry and said "I don't even know anymore I feel like I've lost you sometimes I really think that" he put his arms around me and I put my head on his chest and he said "Sammy I got cheated on before with my own brother I would never do that to you now let's just go to bed and talk for a little bit okay" I said "I can't I have to work" he sighed and said "just call off please we really need to talk" so I did call off of work. I crawled into bed with Bard and cured up with him and he put his arms around me and said "now this is nice just laying here with you why don't we do this more often?" than my son Benny came in and said "daddy Surbrina took Mr. Quacker's and won't give it back. Bard said "look Benny you're becoming a big boy now you're 9 years old do you really need Mr. quackers? Ben said "yeah daddy I do it was the first stuff animal Uncle Phil gave to me" Bard said "just let her have it for tonight please just let me and your mother alone" he left finally be and Bard was alone. I was almost asleep when Bard said "Hey Sammy can we have a conversation about something very important please?" I shook my head yes.

B: Sammy you know that I love you right.

S: yeah I know that why?

B: well would you ever wanna get married and maybe have a kid or 2 someday?

The girl who fears love  [Bard Ylvisaker]Where stories live. Discover now