Chapter 04|| Awkward Introductions.

Start from the beginning

Scott turns to me, "And you're a threat to a lot of people."

"And those people," Kira says with a worried look on her face, "Really want you dead."

"Do I really have to go?" I ask Wren as we walked towards Mason, who had texted us, inviting us to tonight's lacrosse game.

I really, really don't want to go to tonight's game for two very good reasons. First off, I don't understand how lacrosse games work, so it's very boring to watch guys run around the field–if they were shirtless, then maybe I wouldn't mind so much. And second off, I've been thinking about Liam all day. Honestly, I can't take him off my mind, it's really annoying and I can't be bothered to think about boys. But somehow, I still do. And I know that if I see him looking all hot and stuff while running around the field, he won't be able to leave my mind.

And I can't have that.

"Yes, yes, you do." My annoying best friend answers.

"Why?" I whine as we stand next to Mason.

"Because lacrosse guys are hot and I don't want to gawk at them without you." She explains, "Besides, your boyfriend is playing tonight."

I glare at her viciously, "He's not my boyfriend!"

"Who are you two talking about?" Mason smirks.

"Aida is in love with Li–"

"Shut up!" I squeal, making Wren burst out laughing.

Mason smirks, "Really? You like Liam?"

"No, I do not!" I hiss, "Wren is just annoying and likes to make up stuff."

Wren scoffs, making Mason and I laugh, "I'm not annoying!"

Suddenly, people start to gather around the busses. Stiles and Scott appear next to us out of a sudden.

"Move! Move!" Stiles yells as he moves people from the crowd out of the way.

"Sorry," I apologize for him, "He gets a little excited."

Once I get a clear view of what was going on, I notice it's a brawl between two people. One of them is very tall and pretty attractive. The second one I recognize immediately.

I'd recognize him anywhere.


"Dunbar looks really pissed off." Wren notes, leaning down so I can hear.

"Yeah," I whisper, "Let's hope he doesn't wolf up."

"Have a good game." Liam says as he stakes out his hand toward the guy in front of him. The other boy, was wearing a smug look on his face, that just made me want to wrap a tree branch around him and throw him out to the middle of the Pacific Ocean. If Liam's being nice and wishing you a good game, you could at least say thank you!

He chuckles at Liam, then throws a pathetic look at his friends. "That's cute, Liam! Is that what they tell you to say in Anger Management? Apologize and everything's fine?"

As the boy gets closer to Liam, I feel anger rush through my whole body. Why's this boy so mean? Maybe he's the one with an anger problem.

"Aida, calm down." Wren suddenly says, her eyes wide.

"What do you mean?" I say, still very pissed off.

"Stop moving the tree." She orders, her voice firm and steady.

I turn to face the tree that's behind the school busses. It's thrashing violently, and I wasn't doing that.

At least not on purpose.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2015 ⏰

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