Red Silk Amaryllis

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As Gerard adjusted his tie in the mirror, he felt small arms wrap around his waist.

"Frank, let go please." He said out the corner of his mouth, lifting his chin up to inspect himself in the full-length mirror. Frank always loved when he talked like that, it was adorable; and his slight Jersey accent shone through.

"But, I don't want to. You're too huggable." He tightened his hold on him, much to the taller of the two's dismay, never wanting to let go. Of course, he'd eventually have to. "You know, you shouldn't have picked a rose for your wedding," he said, glancing at the flowers in a vase in the far corner of the room, "It's too bland."

Gerard couldn't help but smile slightly, giving up on attempting freeing himself from Frank's hold. "I know, but it wasn't my decision. Lindsay chose them, said they were always her favorite. Typical women."

Frank rested his head on Gerard's shoulder. "If I were her, I would've chosen something like a red silk Amaryllis or something. More exotic, more unique, and beautiful." He looked down and whispered, "Kinda like what we had."

Gerard sighed; he knew asking Frank to attend his wedding was a bad idea from the start. He knew that his best friend and ex-lover would end up doing this. "Frank, baby-"

He let go of Gerard and looked him in the eye from the mirror. "Don't call me baby unless you're leaving with me. I love you, Gerard. Don't you know that?" A pained expression masked the usually bright hazel orbs, tears threatening to escape.

"Frankie, I know, I really do. And I love you just as much." He turned and faced Frank, "But..." He rubbed his eyes, sighing heavily.

"But what?" Frank bit his lip, fearing the worst. He was probably about to get his heart shattered, and he knew he would not be able to handle it. "Fucking what?"

"Lindsay's pregnant." Gerard muttered under his breath. "Believe me Frank, if that weren't the case; I'd leave her in a heartbeat. But I won't be able to fucking live with myself just leaving her with a baby like that."

Frank stood there, silent. Lindsay was pregnant? Gerard fucked her while fucking him?

No, no, no, no, no, bloody fucking no. Frank didn't give a shit if she was his girlfriend; he always told him that he never slept with her anymore.

"So... you lied to me?" Frank balled his small hand into a fist. "You fucking lied to me and slept with both of us?!"

Gerard looked slightly taken aback. "Frank, relax, someone might hear us!" He moved forward and reached out his arm, reaching for his shoulder.

Frank stumbled back, glaring at Gerard. "Don't fucking touch me, just don't. Go ahead, marry her. Apparently you must love her more if you were able to knock her up and get hitched. Glad I could be your little fucking adventure."

"Frankie, no. You were never just an adventure. I love you so much it hurts sometimes. It was an accident when I got her pregnant. But I can't say that I wasn't happy to find out. I've always wanted my own kid. If what we had could have produced that; things would be different." Gerard bit his lip, fighting back tears.

"Well, I'm sorry I wasn't exactly what you wanted. And I'm sorry that I love you, and I'm sorry that we ever slept together. I'm sorry for ever coming in your life, Gerard." He rubbed at is eyes, swallowing hard and feeling a lump build in his throat. "I can't stay here, I can't watch you marry her, fucking committing the rest of your life to her. I'd be wishing that was me, and I can't bear to experience that."

Gerard nodded and looked Frank over. His beautiful eyes, the ones he'd stared into countless times; his tattoos, wonderful pieces of art that only magnified his beauty; his everything. Everything about Frank was perfect. His voice, the way he'd blush at every compliment thrown his way, the way he'd smile whenever he got his hands on some Skittles.

Too bad that no one else saw that. Whenever he'd sneak away from Lindsay to go out with Frank somewhere, the two would always get disgusted looks from passer-by. Frank never noticed, but Gerard did. And he hated them. He hated them so much that he'd rather be with a woman than tolerate those horrible, putrid looks.

He knew it was stupid, really. What idiot would accommodate being with a woman rather than a man if he knew that was what he wanted? All he had to do was toughen up. But Gerard can't; he's far too scared. But he can't just let Frank leave him like this, he had to do something before the love of his life walked out forever.

Before he could walk away, Gerard pulled Frank to him and pressed their mouths together. For a moment, Frank did nothing. Slowly, he began to reciprocate the kiss, and wrapped his arms around Gerard's neck. But before things became too heated; Gerard pulled away. They stood there a moment, foreheads pressed together and breathing heavily. 

After a few more moments of staring at each other for the last time (each attempting to retain every detail of the others body), Frank was the first to pull away. "I think I should go now." He whispered quietly, hopeful eyes looking up at Gerard.

"Yeah, I think you should." Instantly, Frank took a crestfallen and defeated look, and Gerard couldn't help but feel guilty. "I'll miss you, Frank. I'll miss this."

Frank sniffled quietly, his gaze drifting to the linoleum floor. "Me too, Gerard." He turned away and began walking to the door, Gerard's eyes following. He wanted to say something, anything.

Before Frank could step out, Gerard blurted out, "I love you, Frank."

He froze in his tracks, and turned around once more. Smiling rather sadly, Frank reached in his suit pocket and pulled out a flower. He placed it on a table, and walked out the door.

Gerard walked towards the single flower, and let out a choked cry. Laying there was the most beautiful flower he'd ever seen.

A red silk Amaryllis.

As he picked it up and admired it, a female voice broke the silence, causing Gerard to wince inwardly.

"Gerard? Honey? Where are you?" The clacking of heels approached him, and Gerard sighed. "I'm over here, babe." 

Lindsay walked towards him, and saw the flower he was holding. "What's that doing here? I clearly asked for red roses."

"Yeah, I know." Gerard turned and smiled achingly at his wife-to-be. "But it's beautiful, isn't it?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2013 ⏰

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