"But then we'd start to hate Tuesdays in the same way so that wouldn't work."

"Shit." Michael thought for a second. "You're right. Never mind then."

"Hey, Luke?" Ellie nudged my arm. I was sitting next to her & the others were sitting across from us.


"Everyone is starring at us."


"Look." She pointed to my usual table. "All of your friends are looking at us."

"I don't care."

"I do. It's uncomfortable."

Then Michael looked behind at our table too.

"Oh, don't worry about them." He told her. "They're shit anyways."

"Michael. Those are your friends though, right?"

"I mean yea but it's not like they're my best friends or anything."

"They're my teammates." Calum spoke up. "But yea, I don't think I'll keep in contact with many of them after exams & once we're all off at different schools."

"Won't they ask you at practice why you're sitting with me though? What will you say?"

"Maybe. But I can just say we decided to sit somewhere else, it's honestly fine. Don't worry about this."

"Yea." I jokingly hit her arm. "Don't worry about it."

"Okay." Then Ellie took a bite of her sandwich. "Hey, wanna know something funny?"

"Yea." I looked at her. "What?"

"This is the first time that I ever had lunch with someone else in like four years."

"Awh Elle. Oh my god. That's not funny. That's sad."

"Well that's my life. But thanks for sitting here."

"Anytime.' I smiled at her. "Seriously, anytime."

As we ate, we played tic-tac-toe & we helped Calum finish his maths assignment since they had a match tonight & he didn't have much free time for homework before the bell rang & we all went our own ways.

After school ended, I saw Ellie by her locker so of course I went over because that's what friends do.

"Are you sure this what having friends is like? I feel like you're more of a stalker."

"Oh." I put my hands up in defense. "Should I stop talking to you then?"

"No, it's okay. I'm kidding."

"Well friends usually have each other's phone numbers too so can I have yours?"

"Sure." Ellie took my phone from my hand & she put her name in. "I texted myself so I have yours too now."

"Perfect. I'll continue bothering you later then. See ya, Ellie!"


Luke -

hi :)


hi :-) **** i know you texted yourself to have my number but you used the wrong smiley face & that is not okay with me.


you put noses on yours?


yes & clearly you don't. i'm a little upset about that.


okay, maybe i'll change my ways then.

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