Friend or Family

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Aria's Point of View 

Gale runs across the fields and all I could think about was the sun rising behind us

I hope we're not to late

I look behind to see Egnor catching up

"Almost there I can see the mountain!" I shout and we continue on and Gale stops and sniffs

"Whats wrong?" I ask and he speaks

"Sworen Scout behind and report anything you see" he says and Sworen does what he is ordered

"Gale?" I ask 

"We must hurry" He says and runs again but even faster then before. We reach a hill and over it was the army of elves and men in front of the mountain

"Oh no!" I say and Egnor points ahead almost at the mountain

"Look it's the King and the Leader of the lake town people in front of the mountain" he says and I look and see them. Then I see all the elves point arrows at the the dwarfs

"Oh no Gale Hurry!" I yell and he runs down the hill and through elves that quickly move out of the way. I see Thorin grab Bilbo and threaten to throw him over the wall

"Stop Thorin!" I shout and My GrandFather and Bard look behind and looked shocked

"Aria?!" Thorin says as Gale walks up with me ontop

"Let him go Thorin, he is not your enemy" I say and he does and Bilbo quickly moves down the wall and runs behind Gale

"Are you my enemy Aria? You seem to be" Thorin says and I breath in

"I am not your enemy and you are not mine. But you made a promise Thorin, to the people of lake town and I know the Thorin that spoke those words would never lie" I say and he laughs 

"Is that so, you know me do you?"

"Stop this now Thorin, Do you really want to spill the blood of innocent people for gold?" I say and he grins evilly

"You call his blood innocent?!" He shouts and points at my grandfather

Tell Him Aria

I look at my grandfather then close my eyes

"Is that what this is about the killing of King Thunduil?!" I shout and he shouts back

"He will pay for what he did to my people!" 

"Aria you must let the truth come out. It is the only way" Gale says and I sigh and look to see Kili shaking his head and Fili looking down at the ground as if he knows whats going to happen

I look at Bard who looks makes a small nod and I look at Gale's back

He is going to kill me. But I guess if its for the greater good I guess it has to be

"If its the blood of King Thunduil you want........" I look straight at Thorin with more courage then I ever had in my life " Then start with mine" I say and he looks at Thunduil then to me

"You can't be. It's not possible" he says and I continue

"I am Aria, daughter of Legolas, Princess of Mirkwood and I will not watch you kill my people over gold! Even with the crimes of my Grandfather I will not disgrace my father or my kingdom, so I ask you Thorin don't do this please for the sake of our friends" I say and he points his arrow at me

"Thorin no you musn't" Killi shouts and I stand still and Gandulf appears 

"How dare you point that at her, after all she has done for you?" he says and I look down at him

"She is one of them, all she did was trick us" Thorin shouts still pointing the arrow at me. Slowly I get off of Gale and walk forward

"Aria no" My Grandfather says but I keep my eyes on Thorin

"I know your angry but this isn't you. There is greater evil to be delt with then over this mountain, help me destroy it, fight with me not against  for I will never raise my bow or sword at you Thorin my friend"  I say and I kneel on the ground removing my bow and arrows and putting them in front of me 

"But if you insist on a war then take my life first for I will not bear to watch all the people I love die for nothing" I say and a raven lands next to him. He grins 

"Will you have peace or war" Bard asks 

"I will have war" Thorin says and I hear the sound of an army coming and I get up and go to Gale

"Dwarfs" he says and Gandalf comes next to me and puts his hand on my shoulder

"Thorin's cousin Dain Ironfoot" he says and my Grandfather walks his elk toward the army of dwarfs

"War is what the King wants, then a war he shall get"  he says and I get back on Gale and head in front of the elves 


"Lord Dain" I say and a dwarf on a warthog comes in front but he doesn't look very happy

"Well now a she elf, now that's funny" he says and Gandalf comes ahead and talks to him and points at me

"That no good elf has no right to come between me and my cousin" he shouts and I stand firm

"Her and that heartless pointed eared pretty boy you have a nerve to call a King" he says and that crossed the line

"And what are you with your grid, you are no different then us!" I scream 

"Aria!" Gandalf shouts and I grunt 

This is getting ridiculous

I look away and see Sworen flying toward us

"Gale!" I shout and Sworen lands on my hand and he huffs as if he came in a hurry

"Orcs.......Thousands of them.........heading this" he says. Before I could say anything giant worms rise from the earth and orcs behind

"We came to late" I say and Gale turns his head to face me 

"We can still heal what is still wounded" he says and I look at him confused 


"To battle" Dain yells and his men form into position but the elves dont move and I look to my grandfather

"Help them!" I yell and he breaks eye contact with me

"My duty is to protect my people" he says and I huff

"And what of middle earth? Will you stand by and watch darkness take it over, and leave us defenseless?"  I tell him and he shakes his head

"If you abandon them again I will never forgive you, not a second time" I say and he looks at me as if understands

"General!" he shouts and one of the elves nods and all the elves run behind the dwarfs and fight. Then I start to think

Heal what is still wounded?

"Thorin!" I shout and turn toward the mountain 

"Sworen can you find another way in" I say and he nods 

"Good lead the way, Gale" I say and he smiles

"Say no more" he says  

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