Elf of Mirkwood

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Bilo and I look down at the Orc pack below us and we sit back behind a rock and before we could move I pull him back and I see a large bear. 

"What is that?" Bilbo whispers

"I don't know but it doesn't look friendly" I tell him and we hurry to meet the others

"Well" Thorin asks

"There not close but we have a problem" Bilbo says

"They saw you?" Gandulf asks

"No But...." Bilbo continues

"See what did I tell you quiet as a mouse excellent burglar material" Gandulf says and the others agree

"No please listen" Bilbo cry's but no one heard him

"Listen there is something else a beast of some sort" I shout and Gandulf comes to me

"What form did it take a Bear?" He asks and I look at him in shock

"Yes but how did you know that?" I ask and he walks away and the others start to panic

"There is a house" Gandulf says

"What house friend or foe?" Thorin asks

"Neither he will help us or .......... he will kill us" Gandulf says and I hear a roar

"What options do we have" Thorin asks

"None" Gandulf says and I hear something big. The dwarfs run on a open field with me behind and I look back to see a giant Black bear burst out of the forest and I go through the door and push it closed.

"What in middle earth was that?" Thorin asks and I turn to Gandulf

"That is our host, he is a skin changer. The bear is unpredictable but the man can be reasonable. You can sleep comfortably tonight...........I hope" He says and my eyes widen on his last comment but lay to sleep

I walk and see nothing but death all around. Bodies of men scattered and the smell of smoke

"What is this?" I ask but no one answers. It starts to snow and I catch a snowflake and the whole place changed into a forest and I hear a child laugh and I walk to a small opening and see a little girl of 5 or 6. She turns and giggles. She has  brown hair with a white strand that falls over her shoulders and blue eyes

"Will you play with me?" She asks and I smile and nod and she runs in the forest and I follow her. She hides behind an oak tree and comes out with a white rose and hands it to me. I kneel down in front of her and take the rose

"Thank you" I tell her and I hear a male's voice

"Leling come"  he says and she turns to the direction it came from and back at me. 

"Bye" she says and gives me a kiss on the cheek and runs away. I follow until I see a bridge into a Elven Kingdom and I watch her laugh as see gets picked up by a Elf and swings her around

"Ada" she shouted , but I couldn't see his face as he kissed her cheek and walked into the pair of doors then everything went black

I open my eyes to find everyone at the table eating breakfast. I sit down and eat some honey bread as Gandulf spoke to our host

"So you must get to the mountain before Dorins day?" our host asks

"Yes" Gandulf says

"Then you are running out of time" he answers and I take a cup of milk and drink it

"That is why we must go through Mirkwood" Gandulf says and smokes 

"The Elves are greedy they are not like their kin" he says and I remember what Thunduil did to Thorin when the Dragon took Erabor

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