Chapter 15

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Previously on 'Life Of a Popstar';

"We can have a little Raura time." Ross whispers and I giggle. "Can't wait." I say and he puts his arms around my waist, causing that tingling feeling all around my waist.   

"What a show!" We hear a girl voice say while clapping. We turn around and see the person I was least expecting.
Now on 'Life Of a Popstar';
"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Came to support my favorite band!" She smiled, which I can tell was fake.

"Tell me why your really here!" I said, raising my voice. Laura locked our fingers together and turned to me and gave me a reassuring smile.

"Fine. Ross, how long is our break?" Courtney asked.

Is she fricken stupid?! Did she not see everything that just went on? Does she not see my arms around Laura's waist, with our fingers locked?!

"Umm.. I'm gonna let you guys talk. I'll be over there." Laura said and pointed to the stage.

"No Laura, stay." I said. She shook her head and walked away, so did everyone else. I sighed and turned back to Courtney.

"So, is our break over now?" She asked, reaching to grab my hand. I stepped back before she could touch me.

"Our break is permanent! I'm with Laura now. And there's nothing you can do about it!" I tell her, raising my voice once again.

"So that's it? All our memories, down the drain?!" She exclaimed. "You can't get rid of me that easy Ross. You told me you loved me. Was that a lie?" She asked.

"No. That wasn't I lie. I loved you! But you didn't respect my career!" I exclaimed.

"So are you trying to tell me you don't love me anymore?" She asked.

"I, I.. Umm.. I-"

"That's what I thought. See you around Ross." She smirked and walked away.

I keeps eyes on Ross and Courtney the whole time they talked. I couldn't hear what they were saying because I wanted to give them privacy.

I see Courtney walk away and see Ross looking really confused. As I get up to walk over to him, he walks away. I sigh and turn around and see Rydel behind me.

"I wonder what that was about." She says.

"Me too." I respond. "Do you have any idea where he might of went?" I asked her.

"Maybe the bus. Check there." She said and I nod.

I walk outside and see Ross leaning against the tour bus. I walk over to him and lean beside him.

"Hey." I say.

"Hey." He responds. "Are you okay?" I ask and he looks at me. "Yeah." He sighs.

"You know you can tell me anything." I say and he nods. "I know that. You can tell me anything too." He says and grabs both my hands, locking our fingers together.

"Wanna go get some ice cream? My throat hurts and I wanna have something cold." He asks.

"Sure!" I say and we start to walk.

Your probably wondering why I didn't ask what they were taking about. To be honest, I really don't care. She's probably just trying to toy with his feelings and take him back.

"Laura!" Ross snaps his fingers in my face.

"What?" I ask, snapping out of my thoughts.

"What flavor do you want?" He asks.

"Just a vanilla please." I say while pulling out a 5 dollar bill. Someone pulls the money out of my hand and puts it back in my purse.

"What was that for?" I ask Ross.

"What kind of boyfriend would I be if I let you pay?" He asks and I giggle.

"Thanks Ross." I say and he hands me my ice cream.

"Of course." He asks while kissing my cheek. He locks our fingers together and we start walking back to the bus.

"You seemed a little out of it on the way here. Everything okay?" He asks.

"Yeah. Just in a cloud of thought." I say. "I get a lot of those." I add.

"Me too." He says. "What are you thinking about right now?" I ask him.

"Well, I wanna know why I got mint chocolate chip instead of cookie dough!" He exclaims and I laugh.

"Stupid." I say.

"Did you just call me stupid?" He asks.

"Noo..." I trail. He smirks. He dips his finger in his ice cream and boops it on my nose.

"That's cold!" I exclaim. "It's what you get for calling me stupid." He says while smiling.

"I was just kidding." I said, pretending to be sad.

"I know you were." He says while re locking our hands.

"There you guys are!" We hear a voice say. We turn around and see Rydel. "Ohh ice cream!" She squeals and takes a lick of my vanilla.

"Have some why don't you!" I say jokingly and we laugh.

"Anyway, what did you talk about with Courtney?" Rydel asks and we turn to Ross and he looks down.

"I don't wanna talk about it." He says and walks inside the bus.

"That was weird." Rydel says, taking another lick of my vanilla. "Agreed." I say.

I hand Rydel my ice cream and walk inside the bus. I see Ross sitting on the couch, staring into space.

"Ross." I say and he looks at me.

"Yeah." He says and I sit next to him.

"What's the matter?" I ask.

"Nothing, why?" He said and I shake my head. "I know that's not true. Your my best friend and now my boyfriend. I've known you for months. I can tell when your upset." I say and he sighs.

"What are you hiding Ross?"

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