♥08♥ When you notice your kouhai

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"Kasamatsu-senpai, can I have a bre-" Kise was forced to go through one of Kasamatsu's 'get it wrong and get a hit' method. 

"No." Kasamatsu's eyes were not off the Basketball Monthly he brought with him, it's needed to keep himself occupied from boredom. 

"But I am bored..." 

"Tough luck! You better get this done before I get real mad!" 

"You're already angry though!"

"Kasamatsu-senpai, I don't understand this bit." Rui wore a plain white spaghetti strap top with a pair of denim shorts, hoping Kasamatsu would compliment on her summer look but he did not say a thing because his job was to keep an eye on the Kise twins, mostly Kise Ryouta, to make sure the mountain of homework doesn't get too high. 

"This bit? Oh, I used to find this difficult." Kasamatsu put down his magazine and looked over the question for her. He looked at the question and tapped the pen he's holding onto the table, working out how to tackle this particular question.

'That Ruru... She totally knows how to do it! She's doing this to get Kasamatsu-senpai's attention!' Kise thought to himself. 

"The way your doing it is wrong, Rui." 

"Eh? It is?" 

"Ah. I used to make the same answer too. Heh, it's a little nostalgic." 

"Ugh...I still got it wrong." Rui gave a cute pout and Kasamatsu just pat her on the head.

"I'll teach you the correct way so you won't make the same mistake twice." 

"Senpai, you are so gentle~." Of course she knew how to do it, she does well in her school work compare to her younger twin after all. 

"Hn, anyway..." 

Kise rolled his eyes s the scene played before him; Kasamatsu's a lot gentle when dealing with Rui so why does he get the 'carrot and stick' method? 

Rui was not paying attention to his words at all. She was staring at his face because she found him rather handsome. She can just stare at him all day and forget about everything else...

"You understand? Do it again." 

This time, Rui did it right without pretending. It always made a person feel good that they actually helped. 

"You got it right, good job." For every right answer that Rui got, Kasamatsu will pat her on the head. "You are a lot smarter than your brother..." Kasamatsu looked over at Kise's work and he suddenly whacked the back of her brother's head. 


"You got it wrong again! You clearly haven't been listening!" 

"I am trying my best!" 

"No you are not! You are doing your best to try my patience and that is about it!" Kasamatsu snapped, "Do it again!" 

"You are so mean to me..." Kise cried crocodile tears; his head will be bashed in before he knew it! 


Rui was allowed to have a break from doing her homework since she made much better progress than Kise. She does feel sorry for Kise that he's on the receiving end of the hitting but she'd rather get pats to the head rather than a hit to the head. 

"Poor Ryouta, I'll make him some iced tea to cheer him up." 

She suddenly heard the door bell and she went to answer it...

"Rui and I are just friends, get back to work!" Kasamatsu was not allowing Kise to have a conversation in the middle of doing homework and he will stand his ground no matter what happens! 

"I'm just saying, Senpai..." 

"Then stop saying and continue to do your homework." 


Kise's cell phone was left on the table and it vibrated after giving a cute little tune. There was a message on it and Kise looked at the name of the sender before he groaned in annoyance.

"Geez, that guy..." 

"What?" Kasamatsu asked. 

"This guy in the class next to mine kept asking my sister out." 

"What?! Does Rui know about this creepy stalker?! Why did you not tell me a single thing?!" Kasamatsu slapped Kise's head for that. Instantly, many 'what if' scenario flashed into Kasamatsu's head; what if that guy's creepiness reached a dangerous level that he thinks if he can't have Rui, no one can?! How can Kise and Rui not tell him a thing about it! 

"It's fine, Rui will never go out with that guy..." 

"That is not the point! That needs to know that 'no' means no! And why is Rui taking so long?!" Kasamatsu grumpily got up from the floor and made his way out of the room and down the stairs. 

"Wha...he got angry. Can it be?" 

"Stupid Kise, how dare he not mention this creepy guy until now? Has he ever thought of Rui?!" He made his way down the stairs and he looked away from the steps to the door to see Rui struggling out of some guy's grip. "Rui!" 

It was as if something in the captain snapped when he saw another guy touching her. What was this feeling? Whatever it was, he doesn't like how that guy was tugging onto Rui's forearm with an iron grip. 

"Get away from her!" Kasamatsu pushed the guy away from Rui and he stood between the guy and her. 


Kasamatsu looked over his shoulder and he can see the mark on her forearm. 

"How dare you..." Kasamatsu looked at the guy with eyes full of venom, "You have 10 seconds to get off the property. Don't make me hit you." 

"R-Rui-chan, why can't you see that I really like you?! I hurt my rivals so I can reach you! Why won't you acknowledge me?!" 

"I told you! I don't know you or the 'rivals' you are talking about!" Rui shouted back, "Just leave me alone! I already have someone I like!" 

Kasamatsu felt Rui holding onto the back of his shirt. He can feel the trembling fingers...

"Who is that person?! I'll get rid of him too-" 

"How dare you say you will get rid of me, 1st year brat?!" Kasamatsu gave the freshman a sudden punch to the face. He always hated it when people younger than he was getting over their heads. "Rui doesn't belong to you in a million years so you better give up on her!" 

"N-never-" Kasamatsu gave out a powerful karate chop to the head this time. He will give credits to this freshman for lasting after a single powerful hit. 

"I told you! Rui doesn't belong to you! Besides, she likes me and it will stay that way!" 

The freshman looked at Kasamatsu and then at Rui again. He looked at Rui as if to ask her if Kasamatsu was really the one she liked. 

"This is my kouhai, got it? You're going to have to go through me to get to her. Beat it before I decide when your funeral will be held." Kasamatsu's warning made the freshman run away with great fright. "Geez...guys like him makes us look bad." Kasamatsu closed the door for her and turned to look at her forearm, "Did he hurt you? Are you okay?" 


"That guy is definitely getting his ass kicked by me again if I see him near you." Kasamatsu took her to the kitchen and he ran a towel over the cold water. He wanted her to keep it on her arm until the redness faded away.

"Senpai, you just said 'she likes me and it will stay that way'...is it really fine?" 

"...I don't hate it." 

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