Clear x Aoba M-preg

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While working, I shut my eyes in front of the computer and started sleeping, I haven't slept much yesterday, I slept like around three AM in the morning and I have to be and work at five twenty. So basically I only had two hours of sleep. Then I suddenly heard the door rining "" I fell asleep before I finished my sentence "Ah...Aoba-san. Are you okay?" I heard the familiar voice right in front of me. I haven't open my eyes so I don't know who it was, but it's clear so say that it was "Clear...." I felt soft hands cupping my cheeks and pull away from the computer screen I was leaning on. I hung my head down like a doll and Clear hug me tight "Uh...Cl...ear" I felt weak today, I really haven't get much nutrition's, vitamins, water...basically everything my body needs everyday. It's just that this whole week has been drying off, the weather was hot and the sun was too bright, it was in the news that much people died of dehydration, water has been drying off but winter is coming soon so I should wait "Aoba-san...are you okay? I'll take you home now" Clear said pulling me off the chair and carrying my limp body out the shop, but before that, Haga-san just came back and saw my body really tired, weak and really needs to be at home and treated. Haga-san let us go and Ren came out of my bag and lay on top of my stomach. We reach our apartment and Clear lay me down on our bed. I was huffing from the hot wind and the air was hard to breath in. I hope the others are okay. I just lean back to the bed and Clear turn on the AC. I felt the cold wind brushing through my skin; it's a lot easier to breath now, but I still need the mask, "Clear...can you...give mask?" I ask as he nodded, he went into our wardrobe and pull out the tank and the mask. He laid down the tank and handed me the mask. I put it on and I felt really relax now that I could breath. I started getting breathing problems, lack of oxygen and I have to use this mask whenever I couldn't breath "Aoba-san...are you okay?" Clear ask so soft and worry "Yea..." I reply weak. I turn away and stare into the ceiling. Then suddenly Clear hoover over me, he has the eyes that's filled with lust, he roughly undo my pants and took out my half hard dick, he started massaging it and finger me "Haa...Cl..ear...ngah" my breath steams on the mask as my sound was muffled by it. He stops moving and put in his dick "Waaa~....ngaaah...aah" I turn my head away to avoid eye contact, I closed my eyes eventually and he thrust in harder "" I arched my back as he hinted the right spot, he pulls out and push in, in and out, again and again. He thrust harder and that's when I finally came and Clear did the same. We huff until our breath is stable. Clear pull out and lie down next to me. The next morning comes and the first thing I do is look to the clock next to me, it's pass the time of my work. Hurried out of my bed, and while I'm at it, I look to my next and see Clear's not here. I went into my closet, took out my cloths, shower and went down for a quick breakfast "Morning Clear" I said and grab the toast on the table and quickly head out "Aoba-san, where are you going?" Clear ask look through the kitchen "I'm off to work, bye Clear" I said waving goodbye, but he shout out "Aoba-san!" that grab's my attention and look back, stopping myself from going out "Aoba-san, you're not going to work, I called Haga-san to give you a day off from yesterday" Clear explain, I immediately remember what happen yesterday, I look down and sat on the dining table "Aoba-san, can I talk to you for a moment, it's important" Clear exit the kitchen and sat next to me "Aoba-san, I went to visit Tae-san today before you woke up, I just asked about your condition, and she said that apparently, you could get pregnant" Clear looked to me with those pink eyes and smiled, "What?" was the only thing I could come up with. Time passed while Clear explained all the details as I listened to them very carefully. So...what we just did yesterday, makes me pregnant. I thought, Clear then went back to the kitchen and serve me my breakfast, bacon and eggs and some milk, even though I hate it. Clear told me I should drink it because of me being pregnant, so I deal with it and drank it while shutting my nose. After the weekends, I went to the drug store to buy some pregnancy test, if it's true. Before going home from work, I bought the pregnancy test stick and went back home. When I reach home, the first thing I did was lay the stick on the table and read the information paper, I read ever so carefully as to not miss anything important, I read the instruction and pull out the stick t take a look and compare the instructions with the stick. I went to the toilet and peed a little bit, I dip the white stick on my urine as the instruction told me, it took a few minutes to read but I could wait. I waited and waited until there was a *Tick* sound, I look at the stick next to me and it says positive with two lines, it says that two lines mean positive and one line means negative, so....I guess Clear and Granny gave a lot of sense. I then sat back down on the bed and think for any changes when the baby is here. Things might need to be more detail and look after, houses now needs to be cleaned everyday to keep it clean for the baby. I lie back down and sigh at the cold wind of the AC. Clear is out buying food for lunch and dinner, since I couldn't take the heat, Clear took off so I could rest instead. Ren suddenly pop out of my back and went to my side to talk "Aoba, don't think to much. You might need to rest while you're in the state of pregnancy, you might need to drink more water from now on since the weather outside is currently unsuitable for your pregnancy progress" Ren always talk to me about these details, but it's useful, that's also why I like him, always so informative "Yeah, sure. I'll grab some cold water" with that being said, I went off the bed and go now the hallway to the kitchen and grab a glass of ice cold water, Clear should be home soon, not much people even go out in this kind of weather, then there shouldn't be much lines to wait on for food. I went back with a glass of cold water and take a sip. It's ever so refreshing and nice "Aoba, your temperature have gone down from 39.6 to 35 Celsius, please remain still under the AC until Clear Returns" Ren informed me, I just smiled and nodded, I soon looked away to face the ceiling, Clear... was the only thing I could thing of right now. Then, the sound of an open door pierces my ear. I perked up and hurried down to See Clear with huge bags on hand "Clear..." I called out to get his attention, he seems tired, must be too hot out there for his system, if his system is under the heat, it could explode any moment, without even thinking, I hurried and pull Clear with me into the shower I turn on the coldest tap water onto the bath tub and put Clear in, his eyes are half lid so he might be weak at the moment "Clear...Are you okay?" I asked worried, he just smile a nervous smile and nodded, I then touches the water in the tub and quickly pull away, ow, it's already hot, I guess his system took in all the cold, but pull back the heat from the hot water, I hurried down and grab all the ices in out fridge and enough to fill in two buckets. I hurried back and dump the ice bucket to the bathtub. Then Clear finally returns to his normal temperature. I sigh a bit and dry him off with a towel, and lend him down on the bed and let him rest from a long hot day. I went down and start searching on what Clear bought. Apparently he bought most of my favorite foods, he knows me very well I guess. As I smile from what I see, I suddenly got a huge stomachache, ah. That's pregnancy progress, I forgot all about it. I guess my movements are pretty limited when I'm pregnant, better go rest for a while. I went up the stair little by little with Ren's support too. Finally I reach my room. I immediately lie down on my side of the bed and relax, as the stomach ach grew weaker and weaker and eventually disappear. I fell asleep under the cold wind of the AC. I started moving around till' I found my comfortable spot. I found it at last and fell into a deep sleep next to Clear. Looking into his peaceful face makes me feel calm and could sleep faster. When I woke up, it's already dinnertime, Clear is gone, he must've been making dinner. I went down and smell a really sharp scent of delicious food, not wanting to wait any longer; I make a run for it and see Clear standing in front of a stove "Ah, Aoba-san. Did you sleep well, come down and we could eat" Clear smiled, I do as he says and sat on the dining table, he puts the stove down and we dig in. as I tongue touched the food, it fills with delight as usual, it always makes me happy. The next morning comes and it's finally time to go back to work.

~Time skipped to eight months later~ 

Ow, my stomach is getting bigger, I guess the baby is almost ready, I'll ask Ren "Ren, wake up" I operate him with voice control and he blinked at me before responding, "Aoba, have you required of any assistance?" he ask "Could you scan me for a while, I think I'm feeling a bit sick" I replied "Roger" he answered and holographic screens of my body system started popping out, Ren is facing the opposite direction of where I'm facing so I couldn't read the words backward. "Scanning's complete, Aoba. You should be fine, it's just the baby, it's showing that he's up and he's kicking through his womb. You might probably be able to control him for a while before he breaks through his shell, just breath in slowly and let it out gently" he said and started rubbing onto my huge stomach, his paws are always so soft, I love it " hurts...Ren" I huff out and tightens my stomach gently, but when I let my body rest, a few minutes later, my stomach was bursting with water and pain "AGGhhh...Ren, what's this?" I ask holding my stomach, Ren scanned be one more time and he panicked "Aoba, Hurry and go to the bathtub, you must give birth now" Ren ordered me, Ren helped me down the bed and guide me to the bathtub, he pulled down my pants and shove me gently up the bathtub, Ren sat down on the rear edge of the tub as he gave me his paw "Ren..." I said worried, he showed me a screen that has the picture of the baby inside my body ready to be out "Aoba, just relax. Push gently, I'm right here" he supported me, I push and push and screams in pain, I wasn't ready for this at all, this might hurt a lot, I push again and again. I held Ren's paws as he supported me, I push again until I'm out of breath. I lean back on the tub and tried to relax, I push again, and again until Ren pops out another holographic screen, it has the information of the baby, I guess the baby is out already, then I suddenly hear crying, it's his first cry, the baby is a boy who has long blue hair and pink eyes like Clear, he looks so adorable, I held him on my arms and cried, Ren was also able to shed tears, I went out of the tub and clean all the water that came out with the shower. I cleaned the baby up; wash him with Luka warm water, I wrap him up with a soft towel and place him on the bed, I went back to the bathroom and clean up, my ass still hurts, I clean up all the blood. When I'm done, I went back to the bedroom and held the baby, I get to change some cloths too, I put on my pajama's and held the baby as he sleep, but he must be hungry, Clear is still not back. I put the baby on the bed and let Ren guard him. I went to a nearby shop and bought baby thing, milk, pacifier and a baby bottle. I went back home, change to my normal clothing's and went to make some milk. I went back to my room and cool down the hot milk before feeding it to him. He aggressively sucks into the milk and it's swiftly finished within a few minutes, me must be hungry. I carry the baby as I wash. I lean back the pillow on my bed and waited for Clears arrival, he would probably be surprised, while thinking about it, I heard the door open, my heart flutters as I quickly went down holding the baby "Aoba-san, I'm home" he shouts putting down all the bags of food down, he looked at me with surprising eyes, tears started forming in his eyes and so do mine. I went down and he hugged me tightly as he looked up to the child. We started shedding tears as the baby open his eyes for the first time, Clear smiled and hugged us tighter "Aoba-san, I love you" he said "I love you too Clear" I replied, it was a really emotion-full moment. Life have gone well ever since the baby was here, winter then came the day after his birth, then I would name him Kohaku, witch mean Amber. Just like my eyes. But his eyes are actually pink but it relates to my eyes, Clear agreed with it and smiled, for the first time, we sat the baby on snow, he seems happy, he loves snow. We had loads of fun. So much fun, we love each other and treat them with proper respect. And there, our lives has change, thanx to Kohaku here.

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