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Foreign feelings that I can't ignore
Oh I never felt like this before
What's a king without a queen?
You could be my everything
Can't you see?

~Alina Baraz & Galimatias, Drift


The sun beamed on me through my curtains as I awoke. I opened my mouth to yawn.

I remembered all the events from last night and wondered where Javier was. I remember everyone else leaving and him helping me clean up the house.

We fell alseep on the couch so I'm trying to figure out how I got in here. I walked to the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth.

I opened the door and bumped in to a chest. I looked up to see him with water droplets cascading down his chest with a towel loosely hanging around his torso.

"Did you use all the hot water?" I said snapping out of my daze.

"No I did not but if you wanted to shower we could have saved water and you could have joined me." He said slickly.

"I-I don't know about all that, how did I get in the bed?" I asked flustered. He looked at me crazily.

"I picked you up Bella, what did you expect me to do? Sleep on that uncomfortable couch?" He said amused.

I shifted my weight to my left leg and buy the inside of my cheek while looking at him.

"Why didn't you sleep in here if it was uncomfortable?" I asked before I could register what I was saying.

I slapped my hand over my mouth and covered my face. As you can tell I'm shy and easily bruised.

"Well I don't know how you would have felt about a stranger sleeping in the same bed as you. Besides I don't think I could resist the temptation to touch that body of yours." He said confused.

"I would feel the same way when you told me you liked me." I said moving past him to the bathroom.

I shut the door as I heard a chuckle and began to get undressed. I heard the doorbell ring and I told Javier to get it as I started up my shower.


I was finally done with everything as I stepped out of the bathroom feeling fresh and clean with a new set of pajamas. I wasn't doing anything on this Saturday so I decided I was going to chill.

I walked into my living room seeing Javier sitting on the couch with one leg crossed on top of the standing leg drinking coffee.

"Who was that at the door?" I asked. He looked at me and pointed to the floor innocently. I looked down and saw lance sprawled out on the floor snoring.

"Why the fuck is he asleep on the floor?" I squealed.

Javier chucked and looked up from his coffee. "He's not asleep mi amor, he's knocked out." He said lowly.

"I'm not going to ask, can you just put him out side and lock the door?" I asked him.

"Sure thing, what are you up to today?" He asked while setting down his coffee on the glass table in front of the couch.

He dusted off the invisible lent on his pants as he grabbed Lance hands dragging him towards the door effortlessly. I giggled at the site.

"I wasn't going to do anything but stay in my home and watch movies." I told him.

"Of course I'll stay and watch movies with you all day, you didn't have to ask." He said throwing Lance on the ground outside.

I looked at him confused. "What? I never asked Javier." I said with one eyebrow raised.

He chuckled and walked over to me. "But I am and I'm going to change clothes and come back up here okay?" He said with authority.

I honestly found it sexy with his accent.

"Yes." I said looking at him. He winked at me and walked over Lance body while shutting the door.

I began to make breakfast for 2 I guess. I got out the pancakes and bacon with grits and began to make everything.

I added cheese to the grits and I decided to make eggs also. After putting the finishing touches on the meal I grabbed the plates and set them out with maple syrup.

I went back in to the kitchen as I heard the front door open.

"Javier is that you?" I asked walking back into the dining room with two cups in one hand and orange juice in the other.

"Si." I heard him say. I say him coming around the corner but what I did not expect to see where two guns.

I dropped the cups and the Orange juice cartoon on the floor. I gasped and put my hand over my chest.

"Oh my god your going to kill me." I said as i felt the blood rush from my body.

He looked at me confused and turned around to see if I was talking to somebody else.

He saw I was talking about him he put the Guns in the air in a surrendering motion and laid them on the table.

He walked over to me and I cowered in the corner thinking he was going to beat me. "Bella? What are you doing." He said gently grabbing my arm pulling me into him.

"Why do you have guns?" I asked timidly. He bit his lip and bent down to pick up the cups and juice.

He sat down in the chair and motioned me to sit in the chair as he filled the cups with orange juice.

"I'm going to cut straight to the point. I'm in the cartel and I have to be protected at all times. My father is the kingpin of it all and he supplies all of the U.S. Streets with the finest crack and trees you will ever know." He said looking at me intently.

He gently out his hand on mine and I flinched. "I know it's a lot to take in and I understand if you wouldn't want to speak to me ever." He rushed.

To say I was shocked was an understatement. My mouth was open as I took in everything he said.

I began to pray and continued to eat my food as if I never heard anything his crazy ass said.

"Bella say something." He pleaded. His eyes begged me for a response before I tore my eyes away from him.

I put my fork down and put a piece of bacon in my mouth before taking a gulp of my orange juice.

I looked at him and started laughing. "Are you crazy? Your seriously in the kartel?! Do you know who I am? Do you know whom those people where last night you bat dick?" I asked semi-yelling.

His mouth opened to answer but I cut him off.
"Those where all policemen, the man you knocked out which was my ex is included with them and to top it off , I'm an attorney." I said astonished.

He got up assuming that was his cue to leave.

"Where you going? I prepared this meal and you are going to sit and eat it and watch movies like you promised, I don't judge you and I'm going to pretend we never had this conversation. Also I want a gun." I said picking up my fork eating more of my pancakes.

He looked at me and slid a gun over to me. I grabbed it and put it in my draw and no more words where spoken as he began to eat slowly.


Javier in the mm

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