Chapter Two

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I can't believe tis happened, it seemed only yesterday that we were on the romantic picnic deep in the woods.  That was the day of his siezure, it's been a little over a week since then.


"Sarah, you're just so perfect."  Cody whispered as he brushed my hair away from my face gingerly.

"I'm not perfect."  I chuckled. "I just have the perfect boyfriend."

"So how about that surprise you were talking about earlier?"  He raised one eyebrow at me and I blushed a deep red.

I was planning to have our first kiss be tonight, I had known him for so long and we jsut started dating and he's just so wonderful.

"Close your eyes."  I told him quietly.

After he did so, I took in a deep breath and leaned in, closing my eyes.  His lips met mine halfway and the kiss was a rush.  It sent tingles down my spine, and I could feel his lips smile against mine.  His hands were on my hips, just softly holding me while my hands were around his neck.

The kiss broke apart slowly and he looked at me smiling.  I blushed again, but this time I sensed him blushing as well.

He took my hand, pulling me up and dragged me to the top of a nearby hill.  We laid down next to eachother as our hands morphed together.  We sat there for hours, just staring up at the stars in the dark night sky.

"I love you Sarah."  He looked me in the eyes and told me quietly.

"I love you too." I smiled at him, as a single tear ran down my cheek.

"Don't cry what's wrong?"  He sounded worried already.

"Nothing," I chuckled at him. "Everything is just so perfect."

We sat there for about 20 more minutes, then I looked back at him again and gasped, horrified.  His whole body was shaking violently on the ground next to me.

I was crying already asi I tried to drag his shaking body back down to my car.  After sseing how unsuccesful that was, I pulled my phone out and called 911.

"Hello?"  I asked shakily, still in tears.

"Yes, 911 what is your emergency?"

"My boyfriend is havong a violent siezure, he needs and ambulance!"  I cried into the pone.

"Okay, what is your location?"

"We're at the near the top of a hill in the woods."  I tried to explain. "I can see the movie theatre and the mall from here."

"Okay, we can track your call and find the exact location.  Help is on the way.  Just stay on the line until they get to you."

"Okay."  I agreed.

"Are you hurt at all?"  She asked me.

"No, I'm fine.  It's just Cody."

Within minutes, the ambulance had arrived and put Cody on a stretcher, he had stopped shaking now, and it looked like he was asleep.

I sat in the back of the truck with Cody as the paramedics drove to the hospital.

"Cody, it's going to be okay.  I promise.  Don't leave me.  Just stay with me, okay?"  I cried, rocking myself back and forth with my knees hugged up to my chest.

------------------------------------------------------End of Flashback---------------------------------------------------------

I broke down again where I was sitting still next to Cody's bed.  Everything was going so well, how could it go this bad so quickly?

The boy I love is in the hospital and there's nothing that I can do to try and help him.

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