Opening my eyes, I looked around under water, smiling slightly as I pull myself up to the surface. "Come on down! The water feels great!" I yell up, floating on my back some. "No way! I don't have a bathing suit!" she hollers back, clearly lying on her stomach and looking down at me. "Neither do I! just do what I did!" I yelled back before diving under the water.

Swimming around, I hunt for a pair of goggles I leave here since trying to remember to bring a pair never worked. It'd been awhile and things look a bit different from I last remembered but that was to be expected. Finding them a few minutes later, a loud splash is herd from behind me.

Looking over my shoulder, I see Jessica pulling herself back above the water. Laughing quietly, I swim over and grab her from behind, scaring her one again. "Stop scaring me!" she whines. Holding both of us afloat, I just laugh once more "Sorry, it's one of my other jobs" I tease. She rolls her eyes at me "Yeah right" she muttered looking around. Silence falls over us for the millionth time as we gently tread water, my arm still hooked around her waist.

"You can let me go now you know" she says suddenly. My cheeks heat up and I let her go quickly, catching sight of her cheeks which were just as pink as mine. "Sorry," I mumbled as I let her go. "Here, use there and look around underwater" I say handing the goggles over to her. She takes them, still a bit flustered and disappears seconds later.

Sighing, I flip onto my back and just lay there on top of the water, looking up at the sky. I'd almost forgotten she was in my arms there for a moment. It just felt nice and right. Not to mention she seemed to like it. I was pretty sure I'd felt her lean back into me but stopped herself from doing so completely. The signals were confusing and I didn't know which to follow.

Shaking my head slightly, I just relaxed and pushed confusing thoughts out of my head. It was pointless to guess and wonder. Perhaps one of these days I'd ask her about it or just move on. I'd done it once, wasn't like I couldn't do it again. Well...not that I technically did last time but whatever, I'd do it this time.

Ha. Easier said then done.

Why is this so Hard?

Jessica's POV

Before I decided the jump in after her, I'd spent a goof five minutes just sitting there thinking about everything. The small contact of her hand on my shoulder gave me a feeling I'd never really felt before. It had rested lightly but securely, guiding me through whatever it was. And then this place, clearly it wasn't a place that could be found easily and was somewhere she found comforting which I soon understood. It was amazing here and I liked it right away. Had she ever brought anyone else here before I wondered. But why did I care about that?

Then when she stripped down! That was unexpected. Actually that statement is a total understatement. Of course I didn't miss the marks that lay riddled all over her body plus a faint outline of abs which sort of made my mouth go dry. I couldn't get words to come out, not that it totally mattered since the nut head ran right off the cliff a second later.

A scream ripped from my throat as I peered over and watched her fall down to the water. What do I see? Laughing. Kaylee was laughing her ass off as she free fell into the water. I would've been so pissed if I wasn't busy being so scared. It scared me when she jumped off. I'm not sure why it freaked me so bad.

That wasn't even the worst, well maybe it as but once I jumped after her, I actually liked having her hold me from behind. I freaked of course and stopped myself from leaning into her. I was just being stupid. I was straight, not gay. Jake kept saying I was just trying to fool myself and I argued that. Deep down I had the feeling he was right but what would people think?

So here I was, swimming around and watching Kaylee from under the water. My eyes followed her as she floated around on her back, clearly relaxed and enjoying herself although I caught a glimpse of what looked to be a frustrated and confused look. My eyes raked her body as they were greeted with scars, old and new from the looks.

Mentally sighing, I turned and swam off to explore a bit. Following a school of weird looking fish around a bit, I found all sorts of weird things. it didn't seem like the lake was solely freshwater since there were signs of sea water species here. Or something of the sorts anyway.

Coming up for breath every now and then, I made sure to keep an eye on Kaylee who hadn't moved an inch since I'd dived under. At one point, I just hung out a moment to watch her again. She looked peaceful and happy around here. Very relaxed and at ease, no signs of worries except the look of confusion earlier.

A guilty look crept across my face as I swam around and thought about that for a moment. I felt rather bad, knowing why it was there. Or at least I was pretty sure anyway, I'd picked up sometime ago she sorta had some crush on me. And now that we were working together on this project I noticed it a bit more in little actions or things she'd say. In a sense, I knew I was reacting in contradicting ways. But I figured it was just some phase. Just some experimenting. She didn't like me anyway, that was just my own imagination. Bet I didn't even like her in that way either, another thing made up in my head. Right? 

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