If Idiots Could Fly

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Jessi Alexander

© All Rights Reserved

(Joss P.O.V)

    In my school, one thing was now official. If idiots could fly this place would be a freaking airport. You see, in almost every single one of my classes all the teacher's had announced that 90% of the student population in the school was below average or completely failing.

   My school was supposedly one of the best academic programs in the state. Bullshit. The academic level was deteriorating, and students' were failing disastrously. And I couldn't be happier about it. I've been looking for any excuse to exchange schools.

  I'd do anything to get away from Bonner. He was basically controlling my life and he loved it. Everything I did was to get as far away from him as possible. A tiny yelp pulled me out of my thoughts back to reality.

  Bonner was on top of a ninth grader pounding his fist into the kid's already beaten face. I felt a sense of protection wash over me, I wanted to defend the guy like no one had ever defended me. Even now students' were watching, waiting for someone else to step up and do something.

  In the end not one person would come to the guys defense and that hit home, hard. Bonner pulled his fist back to smash into the niner's face and before I knew what I was doing, I launched myself at Bonner. Effectively knocking him off the ninth grader, I pushed Bonner to his back and slammed my fist into his nose as hard as my arm would let me.

   His head snapped back with a surprised grunt, blood slowly trickling from his nose. ''You little piece of shit.'' Bonner's nose was tilting at an awkward angle and I realized with a start, I'd broke his nose. He spat at my face and I wiped it off, disgusted. I was fed up with Bonner's shit.

   ''I'm the piece of shit?! At least my birth certificate isn't an apology letter from the condom factory.'' I clocked him as hard as I physically could in his face, repeatedly. Bonner's eyes rolled back, his head sagging to the side awkwardly.

   I looked down to my lightly bruised knuckles, then back up to the ninth grader. I hauled myself off of Bonner and waddled over to him, kneeling slightly. ''You okay, man?''

  He nodded slowly. ''Y-yeah, thanks.''

  I held my hand out for him and pulled him to his feet and gave him a sincere smile, ignoring all the stares I knew we were getting. Suddenly, a baseball mitt of a hand clamped down on my shoulder hard, making me nearly making me jump out of my skin. Literally.

  ''Come with me, Prescott.'' I obediently followed the principle to his secluded office, my head hanging low, embarrassed. When we finally read his office, I sank down into one of the chairs set neatly in front of his desk.

  ''What happened, Joss?''

  ''I-I saw Bonner beating that Freshman up and he's beaten me several times so I just wanted to stand up for the guy, y'know? Something just-just took over me and I lost it on him.'' I traced the outline of the slowly growing bruise on my hand. I was tired of seeing bruises freckled over my body.

  He cleared his throat loudly. ''Well. Your parents'll have to come and get you, Joss.'' Mr. Calder started thumbing through files in a drawer, in his desk.

  ''Wait, why?''

  ''I'm suspending you, that's why. Zero tolerance on my campus, you know that by now. You're a Junior, you're aware of the polices at this school.'' My principal lifted the receiver up from the cradle of the phone. 

  I jumped to my feet, hands clenching to fist by my sides. ''What?! Are you kidding me?! What about Bonner? He beats the crap out of every day, he was just knocking the sense out of that niner, and he never gets in trouble for it!'' I noticed my fists, immediately relaxing my hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2013 ⏰

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