Chapter 3: The truth comes out

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When we reached the cliffs Dean took out a blanket and I took the time to look and the beauty of this place always amazed me.

The sunset is beginning and the sky is a mix of color from blue to pink and purple with splashes of orange here and there. The flower field surrounding the cliff has daisies, lilies and tulips. All which are my favorites.

Dean calls me over since I spaced out again, making me smile sheepishly. 

-Thanks for bringing me here I forgot how beautiful this place was.

- I know I always come here when I need an escape.

- I have to say I miss this. You know, spending time with you. I miss how we used to be so close because now everything feels different. You feel distant not like how we used to be before we dated. I know we are friends again but it doesn't feel the same like something's missing but I just don't know what.

- I know what you mean. It feels like we're strangers when we know each other since forever, we used to be so close. I hate that this happened to us. Even if I know it's my fault and I'm sorry for that. I'm sorry that I was such a jerk to you. You deserve so much better and I thought that by letting you go you would be better off.

- Why did you think that you weren't good enough for me? You were the best thing that happened to me. And I felt crushed when you hurt me that way. I still don't get why you did that.

I hug myself as I look into his eyes seeing the pain hidden in them. The sorrow, the regret, the pain it's all there waiting to get seen and discovered yet scared to come out. I see the guy I met when we were young the guy I fell in love with.

- I'm terribly sorry for what I did. I'm sorry that I hurt you so bad that I changed you. I never wanted that. I wanted to protect you not from me but from my father. I think it's time I tell you what the truth in happened. Tell you what really made me this way.

- You don't have to tell me anything I understand.

- That's the thing you don't understand because I didn't let you. Come on I think you should sit down for this.

I sit down next to him and look at him. I can see that whatever he kept from me was big and that he's scared. So I take his hand and give him a treasuring smile. Telling him that it ok. He sighs and runs a hand through his hair, making it stick in all directions.

- It started a month after my mother's death I was just 12 and my father blamed me for my mother's death. He blames me because I guess it kinda was my fault. She's on her way to come pick me up from a friends birthday party and it was raining. A drunk driver was swerving on the road and didn't notice he had switched lanes hitting my moms car. The impact was so strong her car started turning and hit a tree on the drivers side making her die on impact.

-It was not your fault it was the other driver that caused her death not you.

He looks so broken and I see a few tears escape him. Then the next word he said made my blood cold.

- He started to beat me a week after her funeral. At first just slapping my face every little thing I did. Then he started punching then to kicking and from that it got worse. He began to tell me that I should've died instead of her. Sometimes he would hit me till I passed out from the pain. One night he used a knife. Do you remember the long scar on my back? That's how I got it. He was going to use it on Matthew. But I covered him that's why it's on my back . Matthew doesn't remember it but I still remember the look of terror in his eyes. That was the last straw. After that I begin to learn how to fight. I got into street fighting to protect Matthew and you from him. But then he got more friends they started up again that's why I began being a jerk to you. Hell I loved you! I still do that's why I came back to get you back.

I wipe the tears from my eyes the ask him in a low voice.

- Why now? After almost a year why now? What changed?

- I'm stronger now I can protect you too, both of you! I'm have enough people to back me up. And I've had enough of this bullshit he's put me through. Hell I'll involve the cops if I have to that son of a bitch has hurt me and my brother enough.

-I'm here if you need me you know. Whatever happens I'll be here, I always will be.

He smiled at me and pulled me close making me fall on him. Which makes me squeal out a giggle and him chuckle. He puts his arm on my waist and I rest my head on his chest feeling the rise and fall of his breaths. As his hand runs down my hair with a soft touch. Making my heart leap and a tingly feeling run trough my body. A feeling that Hayden could never give me.


It feels so good to get that all out of my chest. But having her here in my arms has got to be the greatest feeling in the world. The only bad thing is that even though she is here with me I know that she belongs to another. Even if he is a dirt bag.

I place a kiss on her hair and feel her smile on my chest. Which makes me smile in return as we continue to look into the now dark sky filled with stars.

------------------- Hayden (Surprise!)

I know this is wrong but she cant give me what I want so what's stopping me from getting it from someone else. I also know that there is something going on between her and that criminal. So who is she to judge.

I snap out of my daydream to see Krissie stir in my arms, her naked body rubbing with mine. Making me forget all about Jenna and focus on this hot chick in my arms.

Authors note!

Hey people of Wattpad! Yes Hayden and Deans father are assholes I'll admit to that.

I'm thinking of making a schedule of when I'll be posting updates but for now ill just try to post at least once every two weeks or something like that because you know school >:(

Anyways, remember to tell me what you think in the comments or vote or you could follow me I don't mind ;)

Stay nerdy! ;)

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