Chapter 5: Thing are looking up... Or not

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After three weeks Dean got allowed to go home. He had a broken leg, and nose, a fractured rib and the stab wound took ten stitches to close. As for Mattie he had been staying over at my house. Till now because Dean is now his legal guardian since he turned eighteen last month. And was given full custody of Mattie and they are going to keep living in their old house.

As for me well things are good I guess. Except Hayden has been getting weird though. He get way to jealous of the time me and Dean spend together and says I'm cheating on him. And I will admit my feelings for Dean never left and are now growing by the second. But I won't do that to Hayden he deserves better.

Last night dad told that the divorce papers were signed and ready. He is now a free man but I can see through his little facade, he still loves her even after everything she has done to him. I just hope he will find someone worthy of him he deserves happiness.

Currently I'm on my room watching a movie on Netflix well kinda. The movie is playing but I'm on my Iphone on the IFunny app watching the tumblr tag laughing at the posts. So yeah life's good.

----------------------------- Dean

Ugh! This line is taking forever! Wait a minute where's Mattie? Dammit not again!

- Mattie?! Where did you go?

I hear a small giggle from behind me and there he was hiding on a rack laughing his little ass off.

-Matthew what have I told you?! You can't keep running off you scared me there little dude.

I pull him to me and onto a hug. Than I realized that I stepped out of the damn line and there are now like 5 more people. Those motherf*ckers!

*30 minutes later*

Finally! Stupid lady with her million coupons! When we finally pay for our groceries we go to the car. It used to be my father but since that bastard is in jail now it became mine since I can't take Mattie on the bike yet. We got home in fifteen minutes and Mattie helped me take the bags in.

As we finish stocking the kitchen I hear my phone ring. I look at the caller ID and see its Jenna which makes a smile quickly bloom in my face. As I hit answer Mattie comes in and screams at the phone

-Ooooohhhh it's youse girlfwend!

I just slightly push him off. And I hear the most beautiful giggle on the other end of the phone making me smile bigger.

-Hey Jen, missed me?

I asked her trying to sound nonchalant and swear I could feel her rolling her eyes.

-As if! Nope just bored and it's your job as a dedicated friend to entertain me.

-Oh really and when did I sign up to be a dedicated friend?

- It was on the fine print.

I laugh

-Oh ok then if you say so. So what is my first job as a dedicated friend than?

-Well first you buy some Ben and Jerry's and popcorn. Also candy, then you head over to my house and we will have a Doctor Who marathon. So what do you say? You in?

-Hell yeah be there in a few! Oh can Mattie come too? He's looking at me with the puppy eyes.

She laughs

-Of course I know those are irresistible.

-Ok than see you later with the goods!

-I'll be waiting.

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