Chapter 03|| "Is your job to be annoying today?"

Start from the beginning

"I knew it!" I exclaim, making Jonah laugh. "Is she nice?"

"She's the nicest person I've ever met!" He then halts and thinks for a second, "After you, of course."

I laugh, "Thought so. Is she pretty?"

"Insanely pretty."

I smile, honestly I've never, ever seen my brother so happy. Since the moment I walked into the kitchen, I saw a sparkle in his eyes that I'd never seen before. This girl must really make him happy-therefore making me happy. What can I say? I'm a good sister.

"How long have you two been dating?"

Jonah smiled, "We've been on two official dates. I was actually thinking about asking her to be my girlfriend."

"Jonah! That's amazing!" I gush, "When are you asking her?"

"Tomorrow night, I've already asked her to dinner to Le Cuisine.

Le Cuisine is one of the nicest restaurants in all of Beacon Hills, maybe even Beacon County. It's rated with five stars and it's menu was created by a very famous chef-Pierre DeGoutin. I would honestly love to go to dinner there sometime, if I wasn't a vegetarian. Apparently, I've heard that there's only one vegetarian dish. The rest of them either have chicken, meat, pork, or seafood.

Not really my style.

"Well after you ask her you should bring her to dinner," I suggest, "I'd love to meet anyone that makes you that happy."

"That's an amazing idea, Aida. I'll keep that in mind."

"Well, I gotta go. Don't want to be late." I say before kissing his cheek, grabbing my backpack and making my way to the garage-where my bike is.

I'm a big believer in either walking, biking, or car-pooling to school. Honestly, people don't take enough consideration to how much contamination we're producing daily. Not just in the United States, but all around the world! Let's be real, if people paid as much attention to the environment as they did to their soap operas, we never would have been in this mess in the first place!

I grab my bike from the garage and place my backpack on the basket in the front. I really love my bike-it's got one of those oldies vibe. It's painted a light shade of blue with big black wheels that have a white stripe in the center. Jonah got it for me when I turned thirteen-and I've been using it ever since.

As I pull up in Beacon Hills High, Wren's frantic waving catches my eye. I chuckle to myself and park my bicycle in the bike rack. I place the metal chain around the front wheel and meet my crazy best friend in front of the school.

"Hey, girly!" I coo, smiling at her.

Wren rolls her eyes, "You hung up on me!"

"You were being annoying!" I laugh at her, to which she starts laughing too.

We pull up by my locker and I pull out my History book. It's big and heavy and useless. If you didn't already notice, I hate school with every single fiber of my being.

"He's staring at you." Wren whispers in my ear, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I stare at her, dumfounded, "Who is?"

"Werewolf boy." She says, discretely nodding for me to look over her shoulder. And when I do, I see Liam Dunbar placing in his locker combination.

"Are you blind?" I tease, "Because he clearly isn't."

"He is," She sings. "What happened last night anyway? Did you kiss him?"

"Is your job to be annoying today? 'Cause it's working."

Bohemian ◊ Liam DunbarWhere stories live. Discover now