"You smoke cigarettes?" Christopher asked as he watched as lolita pulled out a rolled blunt, obviously he didn't know the difference.

"Oh god no, those cancer sticks are going no where near my mouth." she placed it between her lips and lit it slowly, they watched as she inhaled to make sure it was lit. "do you not know the difference between weed and cigarettes? Perhaps you're too young? "

"I'm not young," Christopher folded his arms across his chest, "I'm 14, I'm practically a man."

Lolita giggled and inhaled the substance again then let it out. "Well I am a man, I'm 19 " it was Mason who spoke up this time, he smirked at Lolita who just nodded her head as she blew out the smoke.

"I'm 16" Jake gloated with a proud smile on his face. Lolita shook her head and dumped the ashes from the blunt onto the concrete pavement.

"Age, doesn't make a man." she said slowly, her blunt was burning out quick and she blamed herself for not buying backwoods. Instead she threw the end of the blunt on the ground and crushed it with her faux fur heels. "Its what's in your pants is what matters," and your pockets she wanted to say.

Mason understood quickly, the other two , not so much. They muttered a small huh while Mason rose his eyebrows at Lolita who bent down and tapped the end of the blunt on the ground to put it out. He was so intrigued by her that even the simplest tasks would make Lolita seem interesting, she could stare into space and still be extremely attractive to him.

''Boys! Your father is here!" Hailey's voice called from, Christopher and Jake immediately took off while yelling dad excitedly. Mason shook his head at his two younger brothers because of their childishness, but he want to do the same. Lolita smiled at the boys who disappeared into the house.

"They're some cuties " lolita commented, Mason immediately grew jealous I'm cute he thought to himself. "Come," lolita held out her very small hand and looked up at mason who eagerly covered her hand with his large one. This girl is small, he concluded in his head then his mind wandered on about the things he could do to her 'small' figure

Mason and Lolita walked hand in hand into the house, as they grew closer to the living area Lolita could hear multiple deep voices and she wondered why were there so many. It wasn't until they turned the corner when Lolita got her answer, there were 4 large men in the living room. Hailey stood in the middle and there was no sign of Dian , who happened to take off to work ; she was the editor for a popular magazine so of course her job would be demanding.

"Oh! Lola, your mother said just go home whenever you're ready and she'll be home later tonight!" Hailey exclaimed, making the four unfamiliar men turn in her direction.

"Thank you ma'am. " Lolita said putting a little innocence into her voice. She slowly pulled her hand away from Mason's then folded it within her other hand in front of her lap. The gesture caused Mason to feel a wave of disappointment wash over his tall frame, he quickly replaced his frown with a smile as his father stood across the room with a knowing smirk on his face.

"Son! You didn't tell me you had a girlfriend. " Justin bieber, known as the husband of Hailey and the father of three also the owner of the largest law firm in America, said to Mason. His eyes traveled over Lolita's small timid frame, he was very impressed at what was before him. The young girl was gorgeous, her high cheek bones and pink lips catching his attention; her hazel eyes holding the purest glint, so gorgeous he thought as he found himself staring at her but he quickly turned his attention back to his son. His wife was right there, for christsakes.

"Oh no dad, this is Lola our neighbors daughter." Mason laughed as his fathers facial expression changed, he was hoping that his son had finally gotten over his recent ex;
Kylie. Kylie was a user, especially when it came to the bieber family. She never saw the real Mason and the only time she was involved with Mason is when it came to money and clothes. He knew that when Kylie ignored his son for days, but came around when she wanted financial support.

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