The doll

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I've never been the type of person to like or adore dolls. My mother on the other hand, she has an obession with them. China dolls mostly, and baby dolls as well. I don't know why, she just loves them. She wasn't... normal...

"dad I'm ready, lets go!" I shouted. It was my moms birthday and my dad and I always got her a doll. 'coming hannah' he shouted back. I saw my mom in the kitchen and hugged her before I left. 'sweetie, please, get me the doll with those bright blue eyes, black hair and that wide smile. please' my mother asked while smiling. "haha If they have it I'll get it" 'you must! It is special. I need it!' she said. 'come on hannah, time to go' my dad shouted. "coming!"

*at the store*

"dad, mom says she wants some doll with blue eyes, black hair and a wide smile? I don't know haha" 'well we'll see what they have' my dad said. Looking around in a doll store really creeped me out. We were about to give up, until I saw this old lady coming inside, in tears, holding the doll my mother wanted. I walked up to her. "ma'am may I please by your doll from you?" I asked. She looked shocked then got the biggest smile and said 'yes! you can have it for free! take it! I don't want it!' She practiaclly threw itat me and ran out the store. This doll, was unique, I knew it was the one. "dad I found it come on! This old lady gave it to me!" 'why would take it? give it back!' he said. "but, she ran out, she didn't want it" '*sigh* alright.. lets go' my dad said.


"mom look what I have!" I shouted. she came running down the stairs. 'my doll!!!!!' she screamed. she grabbed the doll, said thank you and ran back into her room. My dad and I made dinner then he went to go check on mom.

*2 hours later*

"where is he? I thought we were both making dinner?" I asked myself. I walked upstairs, it was quite, to quite. I knocked on my parents door. 'come inside sweetie' it sounded like my mom, but I couldn't tell. when I walked in, my dad was asleep on the bed and my mom was infront of the closet, rocking back and forth, holding the doll, petting her hair. I looked closer and her hands, they looked wrinkly. "um.. mom...?" I asked. 'yes sweetie?' she said, in an almost demonic like voice. I began to place my hand on her shoulder and said "are you oka-" 'don't touch me!' she shouted while holding my arm. she still hadn't looked at me. she let go and I grabbed her and spun her around. Her face, so thin, like she hadn't eaten in months. she was pale. "mom! what... whats wrong?!" I screamed. 'GET OUT!' it shouted. she was no longer my mother. she was a demon. My dad woke up. 'whats all tha- oh my god!' he shouted. he grabbed me and ran downstairs slamming the door behind us. He went to the kitchen and he looked so scared.

We heard the door slam open. 'hannah come to mommy' it said. Dad and I heard it stomp down the stairs. we saw it, the demon, holding the doll. It grabbed my dad and ripped his arm off. He bleeding and crying. "stop! Stop it!" I screamed. It walked toward me and I ran to the living room behind the couch. I saw my dads shot gun, grabbed it and aimed at what I thought was my mother. 'sweetie, whats going on? what are you doing whats happening?' she asked. "mom, you're not you. I know you're not. Just.. stay back." 'what do you mean?' she asked walking toward me. "don't move or I'll shoot!" I shouted. 'to late.' it said in the demonic voice agsin. it ran at me, I shot. and it was over.

*3 years later*

dad and I agreed to never talk about what had happened. we couldn't. it was to much. It was my bestfriends birthday party and sleepover so I was getting everything ready.

When I got there we had so much fun. Hanging with our girl and guy friends, going in the pool, playing games. it was the best. She showed me around and when we got to her sisters room it was like I had entered a toy store, filled with so many toys. 'my sister is obessed with stuffed animals haha, she also has this weird doll but its in the back of her closet' amy said. my heart stopped. "she does..?" 'yeah we had to put it back there cause she said it was talking to her. ' I wanted to cry. but I thought I was freaking myself out.

That night we were getting ready to go to sleep. Her room was huge, she had a walk in closet. it was amamzing. We laid down, and eventually fell asleep


*loud bang*

I wake up to anything. "hello?" I said rubbing my eyes while sitting up. There stood my mother, holding on to her doll. 'sweetie, I'm back' the demon said...

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