Lets talk

364 11 21

This book has stayed at the same status, reading, voting etc. for the past 2 days! Where have my bright shining stars gone? I need them! I really would like this book to 1K! And if it does, I will do something, of your choice! Comment what you want me to do, and the one I like the best, I will do. A couple restrictions, I will not send you pictures of my face, I will not tell you where I live, nothing personal. Ok! Some things that I am willing to do, are, writing another book, uh.... Yea I'm out of ideas! And if I like an idea so much, I will do it before this book teaches 1K. So to help me, I need my bright shining stars, to message people, friends, family, strangers, about this book and I will dedicate a chapter and a CHARACTER! In my sequel. So the things you will need to message me are, the name, house, personality, and if you could get a picture, but if you can't, describe the way he/she looks. Ok I love you all my bright shining stars!

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