Break up

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After the whole thing at the dinner table I ran upstairs and got into my pajamas.
Knock Knock?
"Wh-who is is it-t?" I asked while sobbing. "Baby?" I hear Cedric's voice from the other side. He walks in and sees me in tears. He comes over to my bed and sits next to me and wipes my tears away. "You know I hate seeing you like this." Cedric told me, "It's hard!" I yell at him. "Knowing-ing that-t your your brother-er doesn't like like your boy-boyfriend!" I yell again. "I know." He said comfortingly. "Look." I started while sitting up, "I don't know if I can do this anymore." I told him, "Emi, it's ok. We'll fight through it. We don't have to break up because of your brother." Ceddy said reassuringly. "But the thing is, my brother tried to kill you. It's not like something small. I'm sorry Cedric. But I can't date you. And it's because of my brother." I told him starting to cry. "I hope you enjoyed it." He told me and left the room. He walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. I decided to walk down and see what was going on. So I walked down the stairs and saw Cedric apparate home. "You!" I screed at George. He looked heartbroken, "Look, Emi-" "I broke up with him because of you!"I screamed while cutting him off. "Emi! Look I'm sorry! I got out of control!-" "Yea! You tried to kill him!" I cut him off again. "Hermoine, Harry, Ron and Ginny go outside please." Mum told the younger kids. They walked outside and the fight continued. "I know! I just don't like him! I don't like Edric! You and him together! You're triplet, and I love you very much and it hurts knowing that you broke up with him because of me, but I didn't want to lose the trio of mischief." George told all of truthfully. "George. You would never lose me. I'm your sister. And I always will be." I told him. I walked to him and hugged him. Everyone was happy again.
This year was Ginny's first year! Now the whole bunch of Wealsey's are here! Once we got off the train everyone piled inside except the first years. Of course Ginny is in Gryffindor. Once the feast was over everyone went to their towers. Once we got up there we got our schedules:
Emi's schedule:
Breakfast 8:00-8:30
Potions GS 8:35-9:20
Divination GR 9:25-10:10
Herbology GH 10:15-11:00
Lunch 11:05-12:00
Astronomy G 12:05-12:50
Transfiguration GR 12:55-1:40
Charms GH 1:45-2:30
DATDA GS 2:35-3:20
History of Magic G 3:25-4:10
Dinner 6:30-8:00
Breakfast 8:00-8:30
History of Magic GS 8:35-9:20
Charms GR 9:25-10:10
Astronomy GH 10:15-11:00
Lunch 11:05-12:00
Divination G 12:05-12:50
Potions GS 12:55-1:40
Herbology GH 1:45-2:30
Transfiguration G 2:35-3:20
DATDA GR 3:25-4:10
Dinner 6:30-8:00
Breakfast 8:00-8:30
DATDA GH 8:35-9:20
Herbology G 9:25-10:10
Potions GS 10:15-11:00
Lunch 11:05-12:00
Transfiguration GR 12:05-12:50
Charms GH 12:55-1:40
History of Magic G 1:45-2:30
Astronomy G 2:35-3:20
Divination GS 3:25-4:10
Dinner 6:30-8:00
Breakfast 8:00-8:30
Charms GR 8:35-9:20
Divination GH 9:25-10:10
History of Magic G 10:15-11:00
Lunch 11:05-12:00
Potions GS 12:05-12:50
Astronomy GR 12:55-1:40
Herbology GH 1:45-2:30
Charms G 2:35-3:20
Transfiguration GS 3:25-4:10
Dinner 6:30-8:00
Breakfast 8:00-8:30
Transfiguration G 8:35-9:20
Herbology GH 9:25-10:10
Potions GS 10:15-11:00
Lunch 11:05-12:00
Charms GR 12:05-12:50
DATDA G 12:55-1:40
Dinner 6:00-8:30
(Just so you know I am making it that the students on Friday only have 5 classes instead of 8!)

"I have a pretty good schedule this year." I thought. "Emi? Uh.. Hey." Cedric said sheepishly. "Can I ask you something?" I asked him. He nodded and I brought him to the library. "Ok. I talked to my brother and he said he just didn't want to lose me. He has nothing against you." I told him with a smile. "That's great! So would you make me the happiest man on earth and be my girlfriend again?" Ceddy asked me. "Hmmmm... Yes!" I squealed and he picked me up and spun me around. He put me back to the ground and I kissed him quickly and ran out to the Gryffindor common room. Once I got in there I saw Ginny. I went to her and gave her a huge hug! "I am so glad you are here now!" I squealed. "Yea. Me to. I just miss mum." She tells me. "Oh, it's ok. You'll find it awesome here. And it was really funny when Ron and Harry went into the whomping willow. Mum will send him a screecher for sure!" I said then chuckled. "Well we better rest." I continued and brought her up to the girl dormitories. I helped her unpack and get all of her things and stuff like that. "You know. Your a great older sister." Ginny told me with a smile. "Aww... Shucks." I said sheepishly in my Texas accent. (Ok, I just got on watt pad to update my story and on August 19,2015 The forgotten Weasley. A cupcake-rainbow-dog HP fan fiction got to 200 reads, 18 votes, and 12 comments! I know it doesn't sound like a lot but to me it is. I thought this book would maybe get 30 reads a vote or 2 and like no comments but because of you all i want to do something special. From August 19 to the 26- exactly one week- I want to update 3/4 or maybe more times! Ok back to the story😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊)
Ginny chuckled and went to sleep.

Ok if you didn't child read what was up above You guys got 200 reads on this book! I honestly thought this would be something small, but you guys made it so much bigger to me. This may not sound like a lot of reads compared to RainbowDustBunny but it's a lot to me *insert sniffle* ok but I love you all, very, very, very, very, very.....
2 years later(if yo guys just read that in the spongebob voice vote!)
Very, very much, my little stars!

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