Chapter 2

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Hey there! Even though I didn't get much of a feedback on the first chapter, I decided to continue writing this for now anyway. Hope it will turn out to be something decent! By the way, don't be afraid to leave comments, I don't bite ;)

Dean's Point Of View

As usual, I was sitting at the last desk in the class; it was my favorite spot. My thoughts were wandering around everything that had been happening in my life lately but also nothing in particular seemed to catch my attention at the same time, I was just in my own little universe, relaxing from other people. But, as always, there was someone who would disturb my bliss.

Girls in the school thought I was some kind of a sex symbol so they never missed a chance to pay any kind of attention to me while, in fact, I preferred solitude and privacy over that. However, that was such an achievement for a sophomore to be that famous but, the truth was, I wasn't that kind of guy who was seeking for attention 24/7; things just turned out to be that way, for me to be the coolest guy around. Even though I had a girlfriend who happened to be the head cheerleader in our school, no one really seemed to care about that and couldn't just leave me alone. An evident proof of my popularity was sitting directly in front of me, staring.

"Naomi, what do you want?" I asked with ill-concealed irritation. It took me a lot of willpower not to snap harshly at her right away.

"You," She replied with a big smirk playing on her red lips.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at this. That girl had a huge self-esteem which sometimes clouded her small brain. She always thought she could get whatever - or whoever, to be exact, - she wanted but it wasn't going to work out with me.

"Nice try, Naomi, but you know what? I will never be with this arrogant and selfish bitch as you are, ever. So just turn around and try to find another victim to satisfy your endless sexual desire," I growled. Her eyes became wider with surprise for a moment but she did turn around, looking disappointed and apparently deciding that I wasn't worth her attention anymore. I knew I didn't behave myself like a gentleman but that girl definitely deserved it.

I didn't even notice that the bell had already rung and Mr. Smith began our boring History lesson. About five minutes had passed from the beginning of the class when somebody knocked at the door.

"Yeah, come in," our teacher shouted.

The door opened and a boy came in. My jaw literally dropped on the desk because it was Castiel, the guy I had met in the hallway several minutes ago. Well, 'met' wasn't exactly the word to describe what happened, more like we had a fight because I definitely didn't expect to see him a few minutes later after that, not to mention having classes together but whatever.

"Damn it, this day couldn't get any better," I couldn't help but hiss to myself.

There weren't any obvious reasons for me to hate that guy, I didn't even know him and who he really was as a person but the way he reacted in the hallway surprised me. Simply put, I didn't like the way he treated me. No one even dared to stand up to me in the school but that guy maganed to do that in his first day there.

I turned my head, looking around, and then I realized that the only spare seat in the class was right next to me. Just excellent.

"...and now you can take your seat, Castiel," Mr. Smith finished his sentence; the beginning of their conversation I didn't bother to catch.

Castiel quickly approached his seat and sat down. Even if he recognized me - and I bet he did - Castiel didn't show any sight of it, he didn't even glance at my direction. Interesting. Well, if that guy wanted his high school experience to be a tough one, he was going to get it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2015 ⏰

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