Chapter 1

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Hey, guys! I'm reposting this chapter/story because I fixed a few things + rewrote some little parts. I don't know how often I will be able to update, but I'll try, promise! Also, I would love to know what you honestly think of this story so don't be shy to leave comments. Enjoy :)

Castiel's Point Of View

I could hear an annoying alarm sound throughout my dream which could clearly mean only one thing: my first day in new high school had begun. If it had been anyone but me, they would've been excited and probably even happy. But, unfortunately, it was me so I felt like I'd rather just disappear somewhere in the middle of an ocean than go there and face people I didn't even know, not to mention attending school itself and studying stupid subjects.

Nevertheless, after a short battle with my inner self, I went to my wardrobe and looked through things I could possibly wear; turned out that the only clothes that were appropriate for the day were a white shirt, a pair of jeans and a blue tie. Grabbing my bag and a trench coat, I quickly went downstairs for breakfast.

"Good morning," I greeted my younger sister Anna and my older brother Gabriel. Those two were my only family. My parents died when I was 5 so I didn't even remember them.

"Cas, do you want a ride?" Gabriel asked. "I'm going to work and it's not far from your new school."

"Yeah, that'd be cool." I replied.

I quickly ate my portion of Lucky Charms and kissed my sister's forehead.

"Have a great day and try not to crash your school into pieces or get into any other trouble," I grinned. Even though I wasn't in the mood for making jokes, not to mention my 'brilliant' sense of humor, Anna was always the one I couldn't resist.

"No promises," she showed me her tongue in response and Gabriel and I went out, laughing.

"So, are you excited for today?" my brother asked when we got in the car.

"I would be if I wasn't a new guy there, so instead I'm actually rather nervous. You know how hard it is for me to get used to a new group of people," I said, frowning slightly at the thought.

"Don't worry, you can always tell me if something's wrong. Just be yourself and don't care what others think of you," Gabriel smiled and bumped his fist into my shoulder.

"Yes, I know," I faked a smile, showing Gabriel that everything was 'fine'. He was a complete opposite of me; Gabriel had a lot of friends, it was never difficult for him to be himself around other people because he just didn't care. Sometimes I thought that maybe it was actually a good thing but I hadn't accomplished that level of self-esteem yet. "Thanks, brother," I added anyway.

While we were driving to my school, I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that it had always been difficult for me to adapt to a new group of people. You never know who was supposed to be good and who was bad, who would want to see you succeed and who would only dream about your failure and make your life a living hell. And the fact that I was going to be a new guy in that class where everybody had already known each other made everything seem to be even more difficult than it already was.

"Hey, Cas, are you alright? We're here," Gabriel snapped his fingers in front of my face, trying to catch my attention. I looked around - we were indeed near the school.

"Yeah, sorry, I was thinking," I said awkwardly. "Thanks for the ride, I'll see you later." I added quickly, trying to avoid any questions from my brother; I wasn't in the mood to answer any of them.

"Okay," Gabriel didn't push it and I was grateful. He half hugged me and I got out of the car.

Sighing heavily, I entered the school. It was about 10 minutes left before the bell would ring so I decided to hurry up with finding my first class. Walking down the hallway, I had noticed an attractive guy and gazed at him while he had been passing by and that was the reason why I accidentally didn't notice the other guy on my way so, as a result, he was almost knocked over when I bumped into him.

"Hey, look where you're going, dude," he scolded me. "Who are you even? I haven't seen you here before," that guy looked at me like I was nothing, just another student who was standing in his way. According to his outfit, he was in a football team which meant he could easily beat my ass up if he wanted to. Not that I was looking for a fight but his tone of voice and that look he gave me had made me really mad and angry.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see you being on my way. It's not necessary immediately to show what an asshole you are. My name is Castiel and obviously you couldn't have noticed me before because I'm a new guy here," I blurted out irritably and that came out way less scary than I thought it would; I'm not that type of person. I didn't even know where all that courage to speak like that had come from in the first place. Anyway, I couldn't have let the guy see that I was actually scared so I straighted myself and looked him in the eye.

The guy looked kinda shocked for a moment but it didn't last long. He then leaned over closer to my face and whispered depreciatingly, "Be careful next time then, Castiel."

I was staring at him while he turned around and walked down the hallway. A few minutes later I realized that I was still standing in the same exact spot I had been, trying to suppress my fear that came out of nowhere. A few more moments later I noticed that the hallway was empty. The bell already rang.

"Damn, I haven't found my class yet. And all this is because of that guy," I cursed under my breath and a wave of panic had started covering me.

I quickly went down the hallway and found the right class a few minutes later. Sighing and straightening my clothes, I stepped inside. That day was going to be difficult.

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