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(Hi there, I hope you're enjoying this one as much as the first one. Anyway on with the chapter.)

The small boy made his way down the halls following the shitty map the office gave him. He was trying to find his home room. He wandered into the English area looking for room 15. Looking through the tiny window in the door he noticed everyone was in class already. He let a deep breath fill his lungs before entering. The teacher turned around at the noise of the door. "Can I help you?" She asked.
"Er... I-I'm new. And i think th-this is my home room." Levi stuttered.
"Oh you're Levi Ackerman?" Levi nodded shyly. "Take a seat in the back." As Levi stepped into the room he almost shied away from the scent. Alpha was all he could smell. Levi tried to ignore it as he took a seat at the back.

People were staring at him of course. The fact he was an Omega didn't help. I bet most of these people have never seen an Omega before Levi thought to himself. He could feel someone's gaze still on him, he sighed and looked over. A big jock-looking guy was staring at him. Levi scowled when the jock blow a kiss at him and then turned back to his friends snarling. People, ew.

The day went slowly and Levi was convinced he had seen every kind of reaction towards his status. There's three main ones: the Ew what the fuck look, the Wow an Omega look or the watch your arse or I'll be fucking it look. They didn't bother him considering he's seen them all before. As he was leaving the school someone grabbed the back of his hoodie and pulled him backwards, slamming him into a locker. "Hey Omega." The Alpha from the morning stood before him. His scent completely overpowering Levi's senses. "Get the fuck of me." Levi growled.
"Is the wittle Omega tryna play the big bad Alpha." The jock mocked him causing Levi to get fired up. A quick left hook to the jocks chin did the trick. It made the bigger boy stumble back giving Levi time to run. He shouted after Levi but the Omega didn't stop to listen.

He spotted his mum's car and ran for it. He was safe inside it. "Woah, you haven't mated with someone in school yet, right?" His mum coiled away as soon as Levi shut the door.
"No, some Alpha jumped me on the way out. I don't wanna talk about it." Levi's mother didn't press the issue, she knew it bothered her son being an Omega.

At home Levi told her a bit about his day before he retreated to his art studio in the basement. The basement wasn't huge but it was big enough for Levi. He had a desk, paints, canvas', papers scattered everywhere and an old two seater sofa. It was more of a home to Levi than the rest of the house was. This is were he lived in his memories, drawing and painting the images in his head; The titans, the uniform, the equipment and the most important thing, Erwin. He sketched the graphic nightmares and the lustful moments.
Levi sat down at his desk and began to draw, one image has been in his head all day and he needed it on paper. He remembered a memory he had had earlier in the week. A nice one. The scene started to take shape on the page. The blonde holding Levi's wrists above his head, Erwins back perfectly arched. The blankets had covered what they were doing but it was fairly obvious. "That's beautiful, Levi." His mum's soft voice startled him. She was leaning slightly over his shoulder. "I didn't mean to startle you. You were so lost in your memory you didn't notice me, I guess." Levi smiled at her. "When did you have that one then?"
"Couple of days ago." Levi's smile became nostalgic.
"I must say you really do know how to pick 'em." His mum smiled referring to Erwin. Levi's hand shot on to the page "No, he's mine." He pouts playfully. His mum runs her hand up the back of his undercut and kissed the scent gland behind his ear "Come sweetie dinners gonna be ready soon."

The morning after Levi woke up with a familiar feeling. His body was boiling hot and his breath came in short pants. He striped down to just his boxers and wandered into a walk-in closet. Inside was a small nest, he had seen one that Erwin had made for him in a memory once before; It was almost exactly the same minus a few tiny details. Levi sat down and lit a scent candle. Honey and vanilla, the scent that reminded him of Erwin. The small boy curled into a little ball in hope of sleeping again.
He woke up an hour later, much hotter than before. This time it was a different kind of heat. Instinctively he began palming at the front of his boxers, relieving himself slightly. Levi panted Erwins name shamelessly right when his mother opened the closet door. "Oh, sorry sweetie." The door was pulled almost shut when she saw her son's situation. "I couldn't find you so I figured you'd be in here, I'll phone the school, erm you know to just text if you need anything. Oh and I'll get your pills. Love you sweet heart." Levi's mum was a writer and worked from home, which was helpful for Levi.
Once the door was shut again Levi lay flat on his back and pulled himself out. Quickly jacking himself off and relieving the tight feeling in his groin.

Levi hid away for the first day while the suppressants kicked in. He was safe at home and away from the outside world. Plus he didn't like going out when he was unable to control his pheromones and making him smell like a whore. He had had memories about heat before and he always used to hid away then too. But there was one differences. He used to have a stunning blonde Alpha to help him.

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