"What the-" Dipper stared at the creatures.

"Dipper! Y/N! Norman turned out to be a bunch of gnomes!"

"Ugh! Not the gnomes!" I clenched my fists. The fist time I've met them, they tried to get me to be their queen. Looks like they were trying to do the same to Mabel, who was now tied to the ground.

"Hey, HEY!" Dipper shouted as he neared Jeff. "Let go of my sister!"

"Oh, hi! You see, this is all just a big misunderstanding. Your sister is just gonna marry all one thousand of us and become our gnomes queen for all eternity!" Jeff clapped his hands together.

"YOU GUYS ARE BUTTFACES!!" Mabel screeched. 

"Let go of her, Jeff!" I sneered.

He looked towards me and smirked. "Well, well, well... Look what the cat dragged in. Come back to be our queen, Y/N? You had your chance all those years ago, you toad!"

"Don't you talk to her like that!" Dipper scowled and shovelled Jeff away. I ran over to Mabel and cut her free with the switch-blade in my back pocket. The three of us ran into the golf cart. Dipper and Mabel took the front two seats and I hopped into the back. Quickly, we sped away towards the Mystery Shack.

"Hurry! They'll come after us!" Mabel cried. 

Dipper scoffed."I wouldn't worry about it, I mean have you seen their little legs?"

"Think again Dipper!" I said and looked towards the giant gnome monster they've created. The monster roared.

"Go, go, go!" Mabel shrieked as we sped forwards. 

"It's getting closer!" I yelled. It flung four or five gnomes towards us. I hit two with the baseball bat as Mabel and Dipper fought the three at the front, Dipper's hat falling off in the process. The gnome-creature grabbed a nearby tree and threw it.

"Look out!" Mabel shouted. We spiralled under the tree and toppled over, landing at the Shack. We crawled out of the golf cart as the monster came closer.

"Mabel!" Jeff boomed. "You better marry us or else we'll do something bad!"

"There's gotta be another way..." Dipper mumbled as he looked through the journal. 

Mabel stepped forward. "I gotta do it..."

"What?!" I exclaimed.

"Mabel! Don't do this, are you crazy?!" Dipper half-whispered.

Mabel looked at us both. "Just trust me." Dipper and I looked at each other before backing away.

"Alright Jeff," Mabel sighed. "I'll marry you."

"Hot diggity dog!" Jeff said as he crawled down the monster. He took out the ring and slipped it around Mabel's finger. "Now, let's get you back to the forest!"

"You may now kiss the bride," Mabel smirked.

"Hehe, don't mind if I do!" Jeff leaned in, puckering his lips when Mabel stealthily reached behind her and turned on the leaf blower. The leaf blower sucked Jeff in.

"That's for lying to me!" She said, triumphantly. She flicked a switch on the leaf blower. "That's for breaking my heart!"

"Ow! My face!" Jeff cried.

"And this is for messing with my brother and my new best friend!" And with that, she launched Jeff at the monster, sending the gnomes exploding in all directions. The gnomes fell to the ground; Mabel turned on the leaf blower once again.

"Anyone else want a piece of this?!" I folded my arms and smirked. The gnomes squeaked in terror and fled into the forest. Dipper, Mabel and I headed back into the gift shop, tired.

"Yeesh!" Stan was behind the counter, counting his money. "You guys get hit by a bus or something?" He slapped his knee and laughed. Before Dipper and Mabel headed towards the living room, Stan stopped them. "Hey! So um... Well, I accidentally overstocked some inventory, so uh... How about you guys take one item from the gift shop - on the house! You too Y/N."

"Really?" I asked.

Dipper folded his arms. "What's the catch?"

"The catch is do it before I change my mind. Now go on and pick something."

I scanned the gift shop looking around. I walked over to one of the shelves and found a f/c bandana, decorated in little white/black (you choose) lightning bolts. I tied it around my scar, quite liking how it looked. Dipper found a blue and white trucker hat with a blue pine tree in the middle of it, to replace his old one. Mabel looked into one of the boxes and smirked.

"And I will have a... GRAPPLING HOOK! Yeah!" 

"Wouldn't you rather have a doll or something?" Stan asked.

Mabel aimed the grappling hook towards the ceiling an pulled the trigger. "GRAPPLING HOOK!!" I giggled. Soon enough, it was time for me to head home. I reached the porch and knocked on the door. Seem's that my mom's going to be home late. I fumbled through my pockets looking for the keys when somebody grabbed my shoulders.

"Hello, doll." He said in a hushed voice, his breath hot against my neck. My automatic reaction was to whirl around and punch the guy in the nose. The figure stumbled backwards.

"Pain... No longer seems hilarious..." He held his nose in pain.

Realizing who it was, my hands flung over my mouth. "Bill?! Ohmygosh! I'm so sorry!" I lent him a hand to help him up.

"That wasn't exactly the reaction I hoped for..." He muttered. He looked at the bandana covering my scar. "Kid, how many times have I told you - scars are nothing to be embarrassed about."

I folded my arms. "I'm not embarrassed, Cipher. And stop calling me a kid. Just because you're a year older than me, doesn't mean I'm a kid."

"Sure, Lightning Bolt." He smirked. 

I tilted my head. "Lightning bolt?"

"It's on your bandana."

"Right," I finally find the key and unlock the door. "Why are you really here, Cipher?"

"What? I'm not allowed to visit my best friend every now and then?"

I giggled. "Later, alligator."

"In a while, crocodile." He smiled and did a two finger salute before I closed the door.


Okay so to clear up any confusion, basically after reader-chan (you) met the illuminacho, you guys became close friends, but you have absolutely no idea that he's a 1000 year old dream demon. You think he's just another normal human. Huehehehe...



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