Chapters 1 & 2

38 7 0



Nikki Davies



"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" I scream at the gate desperately trying to get the stupid computer to take my code. I push at the keypad 0303 but my shaking fingers won't hit the right buttons. I kick the door in frustration, and wince at the pain now spreading from my toe. "Damn it!" escaping my lips again. Taking a deep breath, I try and steady my hand, concentrating more than I normally would to get the gate to open. Finally the code is accepted and I sprint up the steps attempting to take them two at a time. Desperate to do anything to try and not be late.

I'm in the shower long before it's warm, desperately trying to get the sweat out of my hair from my morning run. Frantically dancing around silently praying that that this morning will not be a precursor to what the day has in store. If teaching at this new school is anything like my morning has been, then I need to crawl back into bed and never come out.

Constant thoughts of disapproval run on a loop through my head 'you shouldn't have gone for a run this morning, when you woke up late you should've just stated getting ready.' And as much as I know this, with how stressed out I'm about starting at Howlett Secondary College, I needed the run to clear my head. The feeling of the earth under my feet allows me to leave all thoughts behind. I needed that.

I run my fingers through my chestnut hair, it falling in gentle curls beside my face. My green eyes alight with fear as I glance at my watch for the hundredth time, seeing that I'm still running late. I put on a cute grey fitted pencil skirt that hugs my curves in a flattering way and a white form fitting shirt that I pair with red open toe wedges that allow me to stand all day and still be comfortable. I need to look older today, look like a force to be reckoned with or I'll lose the students for the whole year. Being twenty-five really doesn't help with that.

Practically running down the stairs, I grab my laptop bag and run for the door. Glancing backwards I remember the lunch I packed the night before, but another fleeting look at my watch and I know that I don't have the time to go back for it. I throw my bag into the passenger seat as I slide heavily in through the driver's door. Slamming it, I start the car and take off.

Once the blood red sports car is out the driveway and heading along the beach road, I breathe a sigh of relief, only ten minutes and I'll be there. Plus, deciding that speed limits are a recommendation rather than a requirement, should help me get there that little bit faster. I might just make it.

Dee the Assistant Principal meets me at the door, as I try to half run/walk from the car park to the school building. "Mornin'" she says, "Don't worry, you're not late." Her smile widening as she continues, "Yet." Her tone paired wtih her smile instantly calming me down.

"Thank you. You have no idea how much better than makes me feel." I say.

"School assembly starts in about ten minutes, so go make yourself a coffee and try and calm down a little. But missing it won't be the end of the world," she says. "It's the same every year, be thankful this is the first time you're going to hear it." Putting on a satirical voice she says. "Let's set a good example to the younger year levels. Let's make this the best year we possibly can. Your teachers are here to help you, so please do not hesitate to speak to them if you are having trouble with the school work or personally. Yadda yadda yadda and all that other crap. You're lucky you get to be in the audience, I have to be on the stage and pretend to listen the whole time." She laughs out loud, like it is the funniest thing she's ever heard. Spinning abruptly she starts to walk away from me, heading towards the gym. Turning around slightly, but still moving forward she calls back over her shoulder, "Don't worry Caitlin, they'll love you."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2015 ⏰

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