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       I carefully removed the now-cooked rabbit pieces from the pot, putting them in the only dishes we had; a plate and two bowls. I made sure my brother got the bigger portion, since he needed to grow big and strong to take care of Father and I. Being the first, and in this case only, born son keeps a lot of pressure on my baby brother that he doesn't fully realize yet.
        Speaking of my brother, Alistair ran into the kitchen and latched onto my legs, whimpering. "What's wrong?" I asked him, stroking his hair to calm him down. "I have dinner ready, would you like some?"
        He shook his head and looked up at me, "A person from the castle is here." He squeaked.
        I felt my eyes widen, "Isn't that a good thing? Doesn't it mean Father is getting a promotion?"
        He quickly shook his head, tears now visible in his eyes. But he won't cry, he knows how Father feels about crying. "He's talking to him....about you."
        "Me?" I ask, suddenly concerned. I pick up the three dishes and walk out to the front room, where we usually eat. I quickly spotted Father by the door, talking to a man in a royal servant uniform. He had black hair shot through with grey and light brown eyes the color of whisky, and a giant pink mustache stood out on his dark green uniform.
        "Dad?" I called out quietly.
        He turned to me, "Edana....this is one of the lead servants. He's retiring and was looking for someone to take his place." He wouldn't look me in the eye, "He's willing to pay me to take you as his replacement."
        "Y-you're selling me?"
        He sighs, "You've become a burden, and the money their offering is a lot. We'd have more money for food and better clothes. You'll be fed better too. Please, get your stuff."
        Just like I've been raised, I did as he said. I put the dishes down and headed back to my room, refusing to cry here in front of him. I'm stronger than crying. I quickly packed my most valuable items and most comfortable clothes in a bag that I've always had. Mom loved to move around a lot and we constantly went traveling, even if we couldn't really afford it. She always wanted to see the castle...and now I was going to be living there.
        I sighed, the only thought that Mom would've loved going helping me move forward. I grabbed my stuff and walked back out. My brother looked at me with such a mix of sadness and anger. Father will probably tell him something to calm him down later, and the money will help them a lot I guess. The older servant smiled softly at me, and I saw sympathy in his eyes. Did the same thing happen to him?
        "Right this way Ms.Pepperman." He said, leading me to the carriage. I felt my mouth drop open in awe. A gorgeous black horse stood at the front, beautifully groomed and well cared for. It was huge compared to the other horses in town, and better fed to. I carefully placed my luggage on the ground and approached the beast, reaching a hand out.
        It allowed me to pet it, making me smile. It's fur was soft, like the kitten that use to live around the market, begging for fish. I sighed and looked back at my family. Alistair waved softly, sadness still in his eyes. I waved back, looking at the horse once more before grabbing my stuff and stepping into the carriage.
        The servant got in with me, signalling to a man I didn't see before to head back. I watched my family and all I've ever known disappear behind me. I almost laughed as I thought about the rumours that would be spread about me. Most will think I'm being arrested for treason against the king. The king....
        "What....what does a lead servant even do?" I ask, looking back at the man.
        "We do simple things to serve the king directly. You should be honored that you were the most eligible person for this job." He stated.
        "How would you know that?" I narrowed my eyes, "Have you been watching me?"
        "We just know that everyone pointed towards you when we asked who was good at serving." He said defensively.
        "And let me guess, you wanted to choose someone from a poorer community to look good. And by you I mean king Fischbach." I snap, glowering. I knew this was strange. The servants silence only proved what I thought. The king just wanted to keep his image up.
        "You better control those thoughts around the king. He wouldn't appreciate it." He snapped.
        I decided it's best not to get on this dude's bad side, "Fine, I will." I looked out the window.
        "Anyway, your duties will be simple: Bring the king his dinner, along with anyone else he might be eating with, lay out his clothes, draw his baths, stand beside him in court with water just in case he gets thirsty, and anything else he asks."
        This is going to be great. Basically what I already did for my brother, except on a greater scale. Oh god, will I get put in the dungeon for putting out a bad match of clothing, or making the water the wrong temperature?! Seems like what the king and any other stuck up rich person would be upset about.
        "I'm Doug by the way." He said after a moment of silence.
        I looked back over at him, "I'm Edana, but you already know that." I brushed my black hair out of my face. He smiled softly, trying to make up for snapping at my earlier.
        "You know, the first thing we should do is show you where you can get cleaned up. You won't have to sacrifice water for anyone and you can take as long as you long as the king has excused you for the night." He said softly.
        I looked down at myself, spotting dirt smudged in several places, my current clothes dirty as well. I blush as I realize how poor I look. Well, I am poor but I never thought anything of it. Everyone looked poor. I was almost blown away as I realized how different things will be. This has to be a dream.....or maybe a nightmare.
        I looked back out the window, enjoying the view now that we were out of the city. A sunset in the background made the natural mountains look stunning. I hope that view is still visible from wherever my room is. I poked my head out the window, hair getting blown back by the wind, and looked at the trail in front of us. A couple more cities dotted the area in front of us, the nicer and bigger the houses the closer they were to the castle.
        Then there was the castle. As we got closer to it, more features became visible. The milky white walls interrupted by black accents and doors. Where it sat on the mountain, you could easily spot the near by stable. Then there was the arena, where the king makes speeches and any events are held. Events that you can't get a good view from where I to live.
        What type of events does the king of Fazbearia even hold? Maybe one wear maidens come to swoon at his face. He is known as the heartthrob of the YouTube peninsula. Which is surprising because I heard King Mcloughin is pretty attractive. Although, he is friends with King Fischbach and likes to be called Jack....for all I know he's probably just as stuck up as the rest of them.
        I shook my head and got back inside the carriage. Whatever, like I promised I'll try to behave myself. I settled back and tried to relax. It was going to be a long ride. The country was huge and growing, it takes quite a few hours to get from one end to the other.
        A couple hours....I could use a cat nap.

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