Dark Side (Cailee)

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Hailee hummed along quietly to the soft music spilling from the speakers hung from the ceiling of the record shop, flipping quickly through albums in search of something that caught her eye. She was a regular at this unpopular record shop, always looking for new music and artists to listen to in her spare time; she was the type of person who appreciated music so much that she tried a little of everything.

The door opening was the only thing that tore her attention away from the cases before her, the wind blowing her hair from her shoulders as the one girl Hailee had wanted to see entered the small shop. She turned back to scanning the cases, making sure she could keep an eye on the girl peripherally. A smile appeared on her face when the small brunette's eyes landed on her, lingering on her body for longer than a casual glance before landing on the case of albums in the opposite direction.

This girl was also a regular at this shop and more often than not she was around whenever Hailee was, her delicate fingers searching the pop section. The first time she had seen the girl she had taken a fancy to her, the small brunette holding an uncommon amount of beauty, every feature of hers having no flaws to them.

It had been the other day that Hailee had finally decided she was going to approach the girl about going out with her, having not been able to keep her mind off the girl ever since the first time she'd seen her. The only thing she knew about the girl was her name; Camila. The guy at the register spoke loudly and he always greeted them by their names, which meant that Camila more than likely knew her name as well.

When Camila was caught up in looking for an album, Hailee pulled a random album from the case in front of her and headed for the register, giving the guy a warm smile.

"How have you been, Hailee?" He asked, taking the album from her and ringing it up.

"Pretty good, Shawn," Hailee answered, not failing to notice the way Camila's attention shifted to them as soon as Shawn had spoken. "What about you?"

"The same as always," Shawn shrugged. "I'm stuck in this small shop for the majority of my day and rarely get any customers, but it could be worse."

"At least you get paid for sitting around doing nothing all day," Hailee joked, glancing at Camila peripherally and seeing the way she listened to their conversation discreetly.

"That's the best part," Shawn laughed, tapping the screen before him. "The amount owed is $5.60."

Hailee pulled out her money and sorted through it, handing him a ten dollar bill shortly after, deciding the small amount owed wasn't enough to put on her debit card.

"Here you go," Shawn said, handing her back the extra money and the album. "Hope you enjoy it."

"Thanks, enjoy your day, Shawn," Hailee smiled, tucking the money into her pocket and wrapping the bag with the album around her wrist.

"You too, Hailee," Shawn replied, sitting back down to resume his internet search.

Turning around, Hailee watched as Camila shifted her head slightly in the opposite direction, letting her know the girl was pretending she hadn't been listening in. She stood there for another moment, smiling when Camila turned her head to glance at her, quickly turning away again when she realized she was still there. Letting out a deep breath, Hailee internally prepared herself to approach the girl before walking up to her cautiously.

"Hey, it's Camila, right?" Hailee questioned, silently cursing how nervous she sounded.

Camila nodded, her cheeks turning a light shade of red. "And you're Hailee."

"Yes," Hailee replied. "I was um... I was wondering if you'd like to hang out with me some time."

"Sure," Camila answered, looking up at her. "What do you have in mind?"

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