Bundle of joy

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Jamie and Devante arrive at hospital and rush to delivery room

JoJo - y'all came just in time she's acting crazy

Ryan - get this f****** baby out of me ugh were is JoJo

JoJo - I'm right here baby

Ryan - you did  this to me *screams *

Devante- ok.. She is crazy

Jamie - Ryan it's ok just calm down and breathe please

Doctor - ok we're gonna push now ok 1,2,3

Ryan- pushes * then pushes 3 more times

Doctor - ok one more big push

Ryan- pushes then baby comes out

Baby - cries

Ryan- falls asleep

Doctors - it's a boy

Jamie- aww he's so cute

Devante- yeah

JoJo - cuts cord and kisses baby

Ryan - holds baby and kisses him )hi
Aiden Josiah Hailey hi baby

JoJo - looking just like his momma *kisses Ryan* I love you baby

Ryan- I love you to baby

Devante- *wraps arm around Jamie * yo JoJo he's gonna have all the hotties running after him

JoJo - *laughs* like you

Devante- nah I only have one hottie and that's my baby right here *kisses Jamie on the cheek*

Ryan - oh lord *laughs*

5 hours later

Jamie- (asleep on the chair in hospital room)

Devante- K-Ci when do you think I should show Jamie the song

K-Ci- Valentine's Day it's tomorrow so show her tomorrow

Devante- yeah you right

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