"...Where y'all going?" I asked, looking at daddy.

"Im takin yo mama out to breakfast and to the doctor before she goes to work."

"Ohh." I mumbled.

Mama looked over at me and smiled. "Goodmorning Li."

"Morning." I said dryly.

Daddy frowned. "You ight Li?" I nodded. "Yeah Im fine."

"You sure?" He asked, folding his arms across my chest.

"Yeah Im sure." I pulled my bag up on my shoulder, trying my best not to make eye contact with mama.

"...Ight....well have a good day."

"Yeah, have a good day baby, and I'll see you later."

I let out a faint smile before quickly turning around and walking out the house.


"Have you talked to Amara yet?" I shook my head and sighed, not wanting to talk about Amara.

"No, I haven't." Marissa smacked her lips together. "Really Li? I thought you would have talked to her by now."

I shrugged. "I've been busy, I'll talk to her soon."

"What is soon?" She asked, leaning up agaisnt my locker. "You need to talk to her today or tommorow, so we can all drop this beef and hang out again, I get tired of being with you all the time."

I slightly chuckled. "Look, I'll talk to her when I get a chance alright? She wasn't in a rush to talk to me, and if she really needs someone, she has my number and we have the same first period, all she does is sit there like I don't exist."

She lifted a brow. "Don't you do the same thing though?" I shrugged. "Maybe, but so what? She's the one who needs a friend, not me, Im not gunna kiss her ass."

She frowned. "Damn Li....that's kinda fucked up.....since when did you become so cold-hearted."

I smirked. "I wouldn't call it cold-hearted, Im just not taking anybody's shit anymore, especially not Amara's she's been a bitch to me for too long, and Im not just gunna roll over and let her get away with it, so like I said, I'll talk to her when I have the time, thanks."

She looked me up and down, with a stank look on her face. "Ever since you dyed you hair, you've been switchin up like crazy, you've never been this insensitive." She folded her arms across her chest, obviously unhappy.

"Whatever." I mumbled.

"Yeah whatever." She said, mocking me. "You need to chill and get it together, and save that attitude shit for Cordarius, because Im not the one Li, and you out of all people know that......so get it together please." She looked me up and down before walking away.

Marcus P.O.V.

"So you meetin him after school today?" I nodded my head, pushing open the double doors to school.

"Yeah tonight, Im leavin work early to get to him so I can sell his shit and go gome."

Will sighed. "Damn....I still don't feel like he can do this shit to you, are you sure there ain't nothin we can do?"

I sighed.

"Nah, and I told y'all that, don't get involved in this, I already got somethin in the works."

"You do?" I nodded my head, putting in the code to my locker. "Yeah, I do."

"Already?? Shit that was fast, how'd you pull that off?"

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