Part One

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I see her every day. A girl with no name across the schoolyard, staring and wanting. She always looks unhappy even if she tries to cover it up. I know what she wants because I was once like her. Wanting but never having the guts to do something about it. That was years ago now, but even to this day I can’t forget the words that began it all.

“Is this seat taken?”

I shook my head. She smiled.

“You’re names Ben, right?”

I nodded this time. I couldn’t stop looking at the girl. Her name was Anastasia but everyone called her Sky. I’d heard two girls talking about her name once. They called her Sky because she was unpredictable; sometimes the life of the party but could get as mad as a bull in the blink of an eye. She was the most beautiful girl in school. Blue eyed, blond hair, long legs, breasts the size of watermelons, and a mouth she used too much for her own good. Not only was she gorgeous but she was also smart, talented, and popular; though that didn’t mean people liked her.

As I stared up at Sky I couldn’t help but think she was the most beautiful girl I’d ever seen, and possibly would ever see. I knew right then that I would love her; that I’d fall head over heels for a girl I hadn’t even spoken a word to.

“What class are we in?” She asked calmly, as if it wasn’t weird not to know.

I remained tight-lipped, too numb to speak.

She glanced my way, a peculiar smile on her face. She scanned the area quickly before leaning in; so close our noses were touching. “I only ask because I’m as high as a plane right now. Don’t know didly squat about where I am.”

I could smell her, the rich scent of vanilla perfume enveloping my nose and making my mouth water. I willed myself to speak; even a mumbled answer would be better than not saying anything at all.

“This is biology,” my voice was as croaky as a frog. I cursed my throat and try to cover it up by coughing.

“That’s a bit of a croak you’ve got there. Are you all right?” Her blue eyes gleamed.

I didn’t trust my voice so I just nodded.

“Well Ben. Actually you need a nickname,” she thought for a moment before gasping in delight. “Froggie that’s it! Your name’s Froggie.” She paused to see if I’d confirm. I nodded, unsure what else I could do.

“Well Froggie,” she gave me a sly look. “I must be at the wrong place, I don’t do biology.” Sky slips on a pair of sunglasses, shielding her slightly bloodshot eyes from any curious teachers. We are still close enough I can feel her breath. “I better go.” And then she extended her hand.

I took a breath, my eyes widening as I slowly reached my hand to hers. Quick as a flash she darted forward, pressing her lips against mine. It doesn’t last long and soon as she pulled away to stand.

“See you around Froggie,” she gave me that same peculiar smile before leaving the classroom.

That was the first day I’d met Sky, the day I’d really met her. Of course I’d looked on from afar but never in my wildest dreams had I thought of actually speaking to her. Well…I hadn’t spoken much, but at least it was something. It was a while before we spoke again. At first I’d thought I’d imagined the whole thing but one day she caught me staring and gave me a wave. I’d waved back, my body moving on instinct even though I had no idea what I was doing. Still, I’d convinced myself she’d forgotten about me, we didn’t speak for weeks. That was until the night of our school festival. Every two years we hold a celebration festival, showcasing a specific event and creating a themed carnival around it. Coincidentally this festival had been scheduled for Halloween so obviously the committee chose the theme of Halloween.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2013 ⏰

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