Platform Nine & Three Quarters

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  "Ah yes a black walnut with a Phoenix feather core, 13 1\4 inches, reasonably supple." He listed off facts easily, slightly confusing her, the wand was dark brown and fairly simple, the handle had intricate designs resembling waves and clouds. As far as Selena was concerned it was perfect.  

The train station was bustling with people trying to find their train, a few failing to do so, including Selena. She pushed a trolley that held her trunk and guitar case while trying to avoid everyone else in the station. She finally found platform 9, a few meters further was 10, but no 9 3/4. She looked at her ticket than back up to see a group of red heads and a black haired boy were in front of her. The oldest woman was gesturing at an archway wall between 9 and 10. The black haired boy ran with his trolley towards the archway not even flinching, Selena expected him to crash but he simply ran through it like it wasn't there. She sidestepped to see the other side of the archway and he wasn't there, he had disappeared. She looked back to see everyone but the woman disappeared too and she was already walking through the archway with a younger red head in tow.

"Wish dad was here to tell me how to get on the train." Selena muttered before deciding to go for it and lining herself up with the archway. She took to a sprint so she couldn't stop at the last moment, the wall came ever closer Selena shut her eyes expecting to crash but instead found herself on another platform just as busy as the last. Looking around she could see a sign indicating it was platform nine and three quarters and off to the side was a train whistling, indicating it was ready to leave. She rushed to get herself and her bags on board when she felt someone shoulder her.

"Watch it!" a shout came from beside her, a blond boy had bumped into her causing her guitar to fall. He scowled at Selena like she was beneath him, she scrambled to grab the case and get it back on her trolley.

"Could use some help." Selena grunted towards the boy annoyed at his attitude.

"Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." He offered his name as if it meant something Selena snorted at his cocky attitude.

"What like Bond, James Bond." She mimicked to popular phrase making her voice go deeper. He gave her a look like she was crazy before turning on his heel and heading to the train. She did the same trying to pull her trunk and suitcase up the steps before she felt the weight lifted. Looking up Selena  saw two red heads who looked exactly the same, they each were holding a piece of luggage she had been struggling with.

"Got that for you." They said in unison it was obvious they were twins, the type that try to confuse you for fun. "I'm George, this is Fred." The one holding the guitar introduced them.

"Selena is me, thanks for the help." Selena introduced herself while they pulled her trunk up the steps onto the train. She followed them down a few compartments before they pulled one open and threw her things above the seats. They sat down and gestured for her to sit across from them, she obliged eager to actually make friends.

"So Selena is me, first time to Hogwarts?" George, or Fred, asked picking up on her nervous energy.

"Yeah you noticed, I thought this was a big prank until I got my wand." Selena confessed to the red haired boys in front of her. They looked between each other before Fred, or George spoke up.

"So you're muggle born, guess that means we have lots to teach you." They both smirked before there was another whistle and they stood up startled. "Got to go, mum will want to say bye." They spoke at the same time the way twins do before rushing out the compartment leaving her alone. A few minutes later the train lurched forwards catching her by surprise, she spread out on the seat getting comfortable. Not two minutes later there was knock as before the door slid open revealing a girl about the same age as Selena, she had hair almost as big as Selena's and looked at Selena pointedly.

"Have you seen a toad? A boy named Neville has lost one." The girl had a bossy voice and held her hands on her hips.

"Nope sorry, but I'll keep an eye out for one." Selena replied trying to look a little more confident like the girl. She nodded before pulling the door closed and turning to probably check the next compartment. Selena resumed getting comfy allowing the trains movement to lull her to sleep.

"Selena! Wake up!" A boys voice woke Selena, she shoot up bashing her head against something hard. She let out a groan of pain as someone else did the same. She opened her eyes to see George (or Fred) holding his head in pain as Fred (or George) stood chuckling behind him. "Sorry" Selena groaned sitting up slowly looking out the window to see a castle coming closer.

"We came to tell you to put on your uniform, we'll be there in a few minutes." Fred (probably) piped up making her nervous all over again to be in the new school. She jumped up feeling dizzy for a few moments before pulling down her trunk and unlatching it.

"So what's a muggle born?" Selena asked curious to their comment earlier before grabbing the uniform.

"Well muggles are non-magic folk, so muggle borns are witches and wizards with muggle parents." One of the twins explained.

"Oh, then maybe? My mum definitely wasn't but my dad said something about knowing about magic so I'm not sure." She rambled as she tended to do when she was nervous. "Well anyways I have to go get changed." She finished since the twins eyes were starting to glaze over. She pulled the compartment door open to see most of the students were already in their uniforms.

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