Chapter 2

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Allies POV

I was woken up the next morning by the blaring sound of my alarm clock the next morning, but I was quite excited to get to school today, Justin Bieber was gonna be there for the first time and I did not want to miss it.

After I showered and got ready for the day I found Hayes eating a slice of leftover pizza, and another note on the kitchen counter

        Have a good day, I'm sorry I came home so late last night I got caught up at work, mom won't be home today like she planned, her flight got delayed. See you tonight I love you guys.                        
                                               Love dad

Great so now I won't be able to see my mom until tomorrow night. I wish she didn't volunteer to do work across the country.

Hayes and I walked to school together today because his usual ride, his friend Sam, got sick. The walk to school was even colder than it was yesterday but we walked as fast as possible so we didn't freeze to death.

I met up with Sarah at her locker when I got to school. "Where were you?" I say as I playfully bump her shoulder. "My mom gave me a ride". She looks upset. "Hey" I face her toward me "what's wrong?". "Alex broke up with me" she says crying. I told you so is what I should have said but I comforted her and we went our separate ways

When I walked into first period he was there. Justin Bieber was there. He was standing at Mr Thayer's desk handing him papers. "Thank you mr Bieber" mr Thayer took the papers. Justin just nodded and sat down.

I'm not gonna lie, I was staring at him all period. It was hard not to, he had Carmel colored silky hair that was long in the front and hung to the side, all his features were perfect. From his face to his built figure, to his tattoos. He was wearing a baggy black t-shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans. He was perfect in every way

At lunch pretty much everyone was talking about him, including myself and Sarah. "That boy is drop dead gorgeous" Sarah says and I laughed at her. He was sitting with some guys on the schools hockey team. It was no surprise he fit in so well, I mean look at him.  

After lunch I had biology, and when I walked I saw Justin standing at a lab table without his "jock buddies". So I took this as an opportunity to introduce myself. But before I could say anything the teacher interrupted.

"Alright class line up, you all need lab partners and I'm picking them." The whole class groaned. While she was pairing up everyone, I was thinking about what I should say to Justin.  
"Allison and Justin, you will be partners" that snapped me out of my thoughts. "Alright class get to work"

I took a deep breath. "Hi, I'm Allie" I nervously say to Justin.

"Hey" he says without looking up. Oh god don't tell me he's another asshole.
But before I could say anything else I was called down to the office.

Once I got there I knew something was wrong. There were two teachers standing side to side staring at me when I walked in, with pity in their eyes.

One of the teachers took me aside "Allison" she put her hand in my shoulder. "Your mother has passed away, In a plane crash"

My stomach was in nots I wanted to cry, I wanted to ball my eyes out. But I just nodded and sat in the chair in the office and waited for my dad to pick me up. 

Why was this happening to me, why did this have to happen, why? There was lump in my throat and I started to cry.

That's when Justin walked in with my things. "Hey, you've been gone for a while so miss-" he noticed I was crying. "Hey" he squatted down beside me "are you okay? What happened"

I was wrong, I was wrong about him. But I acted like I didn't care. "Why do you care" I said sniffling "you don't even know me"

"Your crying Allie, that's why I care. Now tell me what happened." 
There was a short pause until I said
"My mom, she's-" I was cut off because I couldn't stop crying.

But then out of nowhere, he hugged me. This boy that didn't even know less than 3 hours ago was hugging me. Why?

After I got home, I just laid in my room and basically cried myself to sleep. I didn't want to see Hayes cry so I stayed in my room the next morning as well, just to be safe.

I haven't gone to school in 2 weeks, all my school work has been being mailed to me as well as Hayes's.

Eventually I got enough energy to go
Downstairs and get some food. Hayes was in his room and my dad was back at work, so I pretty much had the house to myself.

In the middle of pouring myself a glass of water, there was a knock at the door.

"Who could that be at 8:00 in the morning" I say to myself.

When I got to the front door, and opened it, there he was. Justin was standing on my front porch in the pouring rain.
Hey, if anyone is reading this I just wanna say sorry if this is too short or if it sucks I'm kinda new to this

The New Kid- a Justin Bieber fanficWhere stories live. Discover now