Chapter 18

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After Lady Morcerf left the count's house he was standing at the window, looking at the car leaving and when it completely disappeared he sighed deeply.

- Maybe this is too much for me... - he sighed out loud.

- Don't give up now! - snapped Ramallo.

- I'm not giving up... But maybe the party will be too much for me.

- You have been so strong for years while getting ready for this so don't get weak now!

German looked at him, slightly surprised, but then he realized how right Ramallo really was.

He knew he wanted to do this so he can't give up as this is something he has been planning for a long time.

- Atleast I'll finally see everyone on the party and finally will see everything clearly - German said - I should just stay calm and away from Angie.

----- TIME SKIP -----

On Saturday German got ready, put on his pokerface and headed to the Morcerf Manor to the party.

He knew he's ready for this now.

He was nervous a few days ago, but now he's perfectly sure what he wants to do on the party which is to meet everybody and introduce himself to them, but mostly to Villefort as he's the only one German didn't meet just yet.

- Now, or never huh... - he sighed as he got out of the car and headed inside the Morcerf house.

He was nervous still. He tried to doubt it, but he was nervous, although he talked to his "support", who was actually a woman he got to know in Italy, called Selvaggia Lucarelli.

Her and German has so much in commont and exactly this is why they became close friends and for his sake she even came to Paris for some time to help him out and keep him up if he'd break down.

So by now he was calm.

Even when Fernand came to greet him...

- Nice to see you here, Mr. Count - he said - Welcome to the party! Please enjoy yourself, talk to people, or whatever you want to do... But do not forget about me!

- How would I? - German replied.

"I'd just kill you here and right away instead of smiling, you motherfucker..." - German thought and it almost came through his mouth as well, but he kept it back.

As he went in with Fernand German was soon pulled away by Mrs. Danglars and Mrs. Villefort.

Both ladies already had a huge crush on him by now...

- Ladies, ladies! - he laughed, trying to be cool - Mr. Morcerf wanted to introduce me to some people... But how about we talk after that?

- Just don't make us wait for too long! - said Heloise excitedly.

"The hell is wrong with these women?!"

- Monte Cristo! - he suddenly heard his name from Fernand so he quickly left the ladies and went to him.

There he was soon introduced to Mr. Villefort, who thanked him for saving his wife and son a few days earlier. Then he was also introduced to his daughter Valentine, Danglars' daughter Eugenie and also to the fact that Miss Danglars and Albert de Morcerf are actually engaged.

"Hm... This is gonna be interesting..." - German thought while he decided to continue "enjoying" the party, getting to know people just a little more.

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