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German Castillo: He starts off as a happy, young sailor, who's madly in love with his fiancee Angie, but soon gets arrested and his whole life is going to change on a drastic way.

Angeles Carrara: A young, beautiful girl that's madly in love with her man, German, but after he gets arrested everything changes for her too.

Baron Jullian Danglars: He works on the same ship, where German does. The one guy that is so jealous of German and how everyone loved him that he'd have been ready to do whatever it takes to get him out of his way.

Gerard de Villefort: Crown Prosecutor. At first he tells German he'll help him out, but then he betrays him and leaves him in the prison just to protect his own secrets.

Frenand Mondego: He's someone Angie always called and loved as her brother, but he wasn't on the same way with it. He has been in love with her for years and when German disappears also gets into some bad businesses.

Pablo Galindo: Some guy that nobody knows where he came from. They only know he has always been there and a good friend to German, Angie and around everybody else and he'll also participate in arresting German later on.

Faria Abbe: The old man that the guards call crazy in the prison, but in reality he's a really smart man and soon he becomes really close to German, teaches him everything what he knows to him which will help him out in life later on.

Morrel Family: Old Morrel the ship captain that German is working for in the past and someone he admires so much.

Father Castillo: Alexander Castillo, German's sick father that has already been sick before the tragedy of his son getting arrested, but when he hears the other bad news he breaks down completely.

The Count of Monte Cristo: The misterious count that moves to Paris, where all the other important family lives, changing their lives completely within a few months.

Nobody knows where did he come from, either what does he really wants, but he seems to know everyone else.

But who he really is?

Okay, so I think these are all the characters that are important to the story.

Other characters will come later as the story goes on, but for now I'm not naming anyone else for now.

Also some things might gonna change from this as the story goes on and on.

So... Yeah. I think this is all I need to say for now...

The first chapter gonna come soon. ;)

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