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After showing Ian around, he asked if it would be okay if he went to bed. I showed him to the guest room, his room now, and let him gather himself in privacy.

I feel like I should be doing something more. I feel like I should know better how to help him through this impossible time, but all I can do is what I know how.

I walk into my room, which is just a door away from Ian's, and shut the door behind me. I plug my cellphone into the charger and set it on my night stand. I go to the window and adjust the blinds just the way I like before closing the curtains.

I find myself thinking about Ian's pale face, dusted with beautiful freckles. It's almost unnatural for someone to look as good as him. Almost too good to be true, even.

I change into pyjamas and go to the bathroom and wash my face, the way I do every night.

And then I hear it. A faint creak coming from the direction of the living room. Ian most likely didn't hear it, but I did because I know what this house sounds like when it's quiet. It doesn't creak.

I consider what it could be. Ian doesn't seem comfortable enough in my home yet to just go through the house when he should be resting, not to mention the fact that he's so tired, he's probably already asleep.

I go to my night stand and open the bottom drawer. From there I pull out a small pistol. I only keep one bullet in it at all times, I know I won't miss.

I tip toe over to the door. I'm calm as I slowly open the door and peer out. I silently pray that Ian doesn't come out of his room, I don't want him to see any more trauma than he already has.

I open the door enough to step out into the hall. All the lights in the house are off and I don't see anything.

I slowly start to walk towards the living room. My foot is mid step when someone comes out of my bathroom and slams me into the wall.

I hit my head and everything spins. All I can think to do is tighten my grip on my gun, in case the intruder tries to grab it from me.

But that's not what they do. I can feel unconsciousness creeping up on me, so I can't make out any details.

The black silhouette just shuffles back and forth, mumbling things I cant understand.

That's when I hear a noise from Ian's room. The intruder hears it and turns toward it. They reach into their pocket and pull out a gun.

It gets hard to breath as I consider the fact that Ian could die. I could die.

I take deep slow breaths and raise my gun. I shoot, once, and I know I've shot his heart and he has seconds to live.

The body drops, I squirm my way over to it.

"Who.. sent you?" I must sound drunk

The man in the black sweater just stares at me. I know he heard me, but he just stares.

Ian opens the door to his room then. He stands in the doorway, but he doesn't look worried or surprised. He just watches.

The man see's Ian and his face lights up. With his very last breath, he whispers Ian's name.

When i'm sure the man is dead, I scoot away from him. I lean my head back against the wall and try to focus on my breathing.

"Call the cops" is what I say to Ian before slipping into sleep

And as I dive off the edge of here and gone, I think to myself how odd it is that the man laying dead, on my floor, resembles Ian.

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